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Announcement: The LiveRamp Bidstream API with SpringServe (3/24/22)

We've released the LiveRamp TV Bidstream API with SpringServe, expanding our TV Activation product to new programmers and inventory. The integration of SpringServe into our TV Bidstream API also creates a more streamlined onboarding process for you.

Additional benefits include:

  • For publishers, the TV Bidstream API eliminates the need to store segment files, which reduces costs and helps prevent segments from going stale.

  • The TV Bidstream API allows activation on users that exist in LiveRamp’s public graph but have not been seen in your private graph at the time of segment creation.

  • SpringServe makes it possible to enable TV planning with the combination of audience and contextual data to create predictable insights.

The TV Bidstream API integrates directly with SpringServe’s auction and enriches it with OpenRTB deal objects for outgoing bid requests to buyers.

Now, during the RFP workflow in Advanced TV, for any audience you create, you can enter deal ID information (such as whitelist seats, whitelist advertiser domains, etc.) for corresponding demand targeting. with OpenRTB.


See the appropriate RFP workflow articles for more information.