Configure Advanced Settings (CCPA for Web)

Getting There

From the CCPA page, select Overview from the left navigation bar and select the App you want to edit. Then go to the "Admin" tab.Install Privacy Manager

Advanced Settings

Interpret DNT as Opt-out signal

When a DNT (Do Not Track) signal is passed by a browser, this option interprets the DNT signal as an Opt out signal.

IAB U.S. Privacy

Select this option if you are a participant in the IAB U.S. Privacy framework.

Debug Mode

Enables extensive logging in the console log.

Set Local Cookies on Second Level Domain

When this box is ticked, whenever Privacy Manager sets a first-party cookie it will always be set on the second level domain ( regardless of whether the Privacy Manager is loaded from a third level domain (

Geo Targeting

With this setting it is possible to include or exclude specific countries or regions from surfacing the Privacy Manager. By default, this is filtered to include only users located in California based on IP address. You may elect to broaden or decrease the scope as desired.

JavaScript Loading Options

Control how the Privacy Manager script is loaded.

  • async - Enable "async" to add "async" to the tag. The script is fetched asynchronously, and when it’s ready the HTML parsing is paused to execute the script, then it’s resumed.

  • defer - Enable "defer" to add "defer" to the tag. By adding defer the script is fetched asynchronously, and it’s executed only after the HTML parsing is done.

Check here for more information on async/defer.