Audit ID Interoperability (CCPA for Web)

The preference and consent manager is more than just a way to ensure that the end-users preference is stored in a centralised way.

To utilize this piece of technology to the fullest we’ll have to take a look at the interoperability of the preference and consent manager, or in other words, connecting the audit ID with any data silo available.

Our example will highlight the advantage of connecting the audit id with a login.

This will help create a complete 360° view of the end-user consent across devices.


We start off with the workflow of our use-case.

Once the end-user decides to log-in into their account, after given consent, a script need to be triggered that execute the API to fetch the audit ID, which can then be stored in a variable and passed through together with the login ID with another API to the desired end-point.


It’s important to note that we never override the previous audit ID, but always use the ‘Insert’ statement when storing the audit ID.

With the insert statement we will generate a long array of different audit ID’s together with one login ID. The different audit ID’s represent different devices or audit ID resets, done by the end-user.

This will give you more control over the full consent history, which can be used for auditability purposes, if required.

The API for the audit ID:

__ccpa('getAuditId',[],[], function(data) {console.log('Fetched Audit ID',data)})


The logic of connecting the faktor ID to any other persistent ID available will regardless stay the same. By swapping the login system for any other data-silo you’ll achieve the same results.