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Release Notes, January 19, 2021

Today another feature packed release. To highlight some of them: Support for Google Consent Mode, Batch edit for CCPA, and improved navigation for Privacy Manager.

Privacy Manager GDPR for Web


  • We now support Google Consent Mode which allows you to adjust how your Google tags behave based on the consent status of your users.


  • Many styling and navigation improvements:

    • More consistent navigation by moving the "back" button to the top left of the modal.

    • We’ve removed the tabs from the vendor and purpose details pages.

    • The language selector has been moved to the top right of the modal.

    • The corner position for the notice has been removed.

    • We’ve removed the icons from navigation links to allow for more space in the footer.

    • The color of the navigation links now match the theme selection.

    • A new default logo has been added for new configurations.

  • We've implemented hover text for the privacy settings (fingerprint) button.

  • We’ve renamed the "CTA Buttons" tab in the content section to "Controls."

  • We’ve updated the default texts to reflect recent changes in TCF policy.

  • We’ve changed the default assignment of "Direct Marketing" and "Social Media" custom purposes to only relevant custom vendors.

  • PreferenceLink Sync is now only available if PreferenceLink is part of your subscription.


  • We've fixed an issue where in some cases the bottom navigation was skewed on Safari browsers.

  • We've fixed an issue where the scroll wouldn't work properly in mobile browsers.

  • We've fixed an issue where the vendor consent toggle was still shown when it was associated with only locked purposes.

Privacy Manager GDPR for AMP


  • Many styling and navigation improvements:

    • More consistent navigation by moving the "back" button to the top left of the modal.

    • We’ve removed the tabs from the vendor and purpose details pages.

    • The language selector has been moved to the top right of the modal.

    • The corner position for the notice has been removed.

    • We’ve removed the icons from navigation links to allow for more space in the footer.

    • The color of the navigation links now match the theme selection.

    • A new default logo has been added for new configurations.

  • We’ve renamed the "CTA Buttons" tab in the content section to "Controls."

  • We’ve updated the default texts to reflect recent changes in TCF policy.

  • We’ve changed the default assignment of "Direct Marketing" and "Social Media" custom purposes to only relevant custom vendors.


  • We've fixed an issue where the CTA button text was too large and did not fit the button.

Privacy Manager GDPR for Mobile In-App


  • It is now possible to configure a warning dialog when an end-user tries to leave the Privacy Manager using the native back button on Android SDK.


  • We’ve renamed the "CTA Buttons" tab in the content section to "Controls."

  • We’ve updated the default texts to reflect recent changes in TCF policy.

  • A new default logo has been added for new implementations.

  • We’ve changed the default assignment of "Direct Marketing" and "Social Media" custom purposes to only relevant custom vendors.

Privacy Manager CCPA for Web


  • You can now batch edit vendor settings configurations.


  • We’ve renamed the "CTA Buttons" tab in the content section to "Controls."

  • A new default logo has been added for new implementations.

  • The corner position for the privacy notice has been removed.



  • We've released the V1 of the PreferenceLink data API bringing more speed and an improved TCF Adapter Adequacy API.

  • Error handling for webhooks will now retry following a backoff schedule in case of no 200 OK response.


  • You can now no longer edit standard data fields when they are associated with an existing schema.

  • We’ve added "Last Modified", "Date Created" and "Modified By" columns in the schema overview page.