Announcement: Custom Segments Can Be Delivered to an Advertiser-Level Seat at The Trade Desk (3/6/23)
LiveRamp has launched an update to our The Trade Desk “Data Marketplace - Custom Seat” integration that now enables custom segments to be delivered directly to an advertiser-level seat at The Trade Desk.

The previous integration only permitted custom segments to be delivered to partner-level seats.
Now you have the ability to send a custom segment to either a partner-level seat or an advertiser-level seat via a drop-down option in the destination account configuration. This provides you with more control over which The Trade Desk accounts will have access to custom segments being delivered from LiveRamp.
This option is not available for previously-created Custom Seat destination accounts.
Distributing at the advertiser level requires additional permissions for your The Trade Desk account. To request access, contact your The Trade Desk Technical Account Manager
Partner-level segments will be available to all advertiser accounts within that partner account. Advertiser-level segments will only be available for that specific advertiser account.
When you’re configuring a new The Trade Desk “Data Marketplace - Custom Seat” destination account, you’ll now see the three required fields listed below:

Partner ID: The Partner ID of the partner that you are sending the segments to.
Segment Level: Select “Advertiser” to deliver to an advertiser seat or select “Partner” to deliver to a partner seat.
Advertiser ID: When Segment Level is set to “Advertiser”, enter the advertiser ID of the partner that you’re sending the segments to. When Segment Level is set to “Partner”, leave Advertiser ID at “0”.
For more information, see “Distribute Data Marketplace Data to The Trade Desk”.
Will this option be added to existing The Trade Desk - Custom Seat destination accounts?
No, only new destination accounts will be able to utilize this new feature. Existing destination accounts will continue to deliver data at the partner level and cannot be modified to send data at the advertiser level.
I don’t have an advertiser account with The Trade Desk. How do I enable this?
Contact your technical account manager or account representative at The Trade Desk.
If I have previously delivered a segment at the partner level and now distribute to an advertiser account, what happens?
The segment will be available to the partner originally distributed to, along with any child accounts, in addition to the new advertiser account.
If I distribute a segment to multiple different advertiser seats, can I set separate rates for each of the advertisers?
No, LiveRamp does not support multiple rates for a single segment. To do this a duplicate of the segment must be made with the separate rate.