Announcing Updated Google Destination Account Integration Tiles (4/8/19)
See the information below for recent changes to our Google destination account integration tiles.
Updated Tiles
We’ve renamed our previous Google destination account integration tiles to better align the names with Google’s current product names. This will not require any changes to existing distributions.
Refer to the images below to see a comparison between the old and new Google destination account integration tiles.
Deprecating Google Display Network Tile
Google made the decision to pause their Google Display Network (GDN) alpha program March 31, 2019. The program, which allows advertisers to push DMP segments for targeting on Google Display Network, is no longer allowlisting new brands for participation, so the Adwords Google Display Network integration tile is no longer available for new distributions.
Currently allowlisted brands will not be impacted and can continue to leverage the integration through previously created destination accounts. However, Google has not provided details on future plans for long term support.