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Facebook Destination Account Integration Options

First-Party Data Integration Options

When distributing first-party data to Facebook, two primary integration methods are available:

  • Direct Integration: This type of integration creates an audience directly in your Business Manager account, where the data can be used for targeting, Lookalike Audiences, and audience sharing. For most US customers, this is the recommended first-party integration.

  • Managed Integration: This type of integration creates an audience first in LiveRamp’s Facebook ad account and then shares that audiences out to your Facebook ad account. The data delivered can only be used for targeting and is not eligible for Lookalike Audiences or further audience sharing.

Within these two primary methods, additional integration options are available in certain circumstances:

  • Record Sync: For US data only, the “Record Sync” version of a particular integration allows you to keep your data fresh, up to date, and relevant through the ability to propagate user deletions to Facebook. For more information, see "Keep Destination Data Fresh with Record Sync".

  • Passthrough Activation: For certain countries and regions (such as Latin America, Canada, and Mexico), the “Passthrough Activation” version uses the Direct Integration method to pass through hashed PII in a privacy-safe and compliant manner without performing matching (or any leveraging of our Identity Graph) on our end. If you're in one of these non-US markets, talk to your LiveRamp account team to see if Passthrough Activation is a good fit. For more information, see "Passthrough Activation Destination Integrations”.

For more information on these integration methods and options, see the sections below.


Our first-party non-Record Sync Facebook integrations are add-only (i.e., they do not support full refreshes). As a result, even if you are importing your files as full refreshes, this will not trigger an overwrite for the corresponding segments in Facebook - it will only add to them. Instead, you may create new segments in Facebook on a regular cadence to achieve the same effect as a “full refresh”.

To keep your US first-party data up-to-date at Facebook, activate a Record Sync-enabled destination (see "Keep Destination Data Fresh with Record Sync" for more information).


Which Facebook Ads properties can be accessed? Both the Managed Integration and the Direct Integration method allow you to distribute data to Facebook's ad system, which you can use to run ads on any Facebook Ads properties (Facebook, Instagram, Audience Manager, etc.).

Direct Integration

The Direct Integration method is the recommended integration method for most customers.

Uses: Targeting, audience sharing, and Facebook Lookalike Audiences.


This integration is required if you want to perform audience sharing and/or use Facebook Lookalike Audiences.

Integration Method: In this type of integration, your first-party distributions are delivered directly to your Facebook account.

Matching Process:

  • For a regular Direct Integration:

  • For a Passthrough Activation version of this integration:


  • This integration type requires that you go through the steps (listed in "Add LiveRamp as a Partner in Facebook" below) to add LiveRamp as a partner in Facebook with permission to manage campaigns before you activate the destination account.

  • Apart from the Pasthrough Activation version of this integration, this integration is only for US-based data.


Depending on your Facebook agreement, you might have a limit on the total number of segments you can distribute to each Facebook ad account.

Available Options: When distributing your first-party data to Facebook through the Direct integration, three integration options are available (depending on your country or region):

  • A Record Sync-enabled Direct Onboarding integration

  • A Direct Onboarding integration that isn't enabled for Record Sync



    The regular Direct Integration is only available for US first-party data. For non-US first-party data, you must use either the Managed Integration or a Passthrough Activation integration.

  • A Passthrough Activation integration


LiveRamp’s Direct Integration delivers data directly into the customer’s Business Manager account (as opposed to the Managed Integration, which uses Facebook’s shared feature).

The data delivered may be used for targeting, Lookalike Audiences, and audience sharing.

Direct Integration Matching Steps

Apart from the matching process for the Passthrough Activation version of this integration (shown below), the matching process follows the steps outlined below:

  1. When first-party customer data are uploaded, LiveRamp matches that data to RampIDs and delivers any pre-approved-for-marketing encrypted hashed PII that is associated with those RampIDs within our Identity Graph to Facebook.

  2. Facebook looks for a match between the encrypted hashed PII and Facebook IDs, and then adds those Facebook IDs to the selected Ad Account in the customer’s Business Manager account.

Apart from a Passthrough Activation version of this integration, LiveRamp only delivers the encrypted hashed PII that is already contained in our Identity Graph and does not deliver your PII.

Passthrough Activation Matching Steps

For a Passthrough Activation version of this integration, the matching process follows the steps outlined below:

  1. LiveRamp passes through your hashed PII in a privacy-safe and compliant manner without performing matching (or any leveraging of our Identity Graph) on our end.

  2. Facebook looks for a match between the encrypted hashed PII and Facebook IDs, and then adds those Facebook IDs to the selected Ad Account in the customer’s Business Manager account.

Managed Integration

Uses: Targeting only.

Integration Method: In this type of integration, your first-party data distributions are delivered into LiveRamp’s Facebook ad account, and then shared by LiveRamp to your Facebook ad account.

Matching Process:

Available Options: When distributing your first-party data to Facebook through the Managed integration, two integration options are available:

  • A Record Sync-enabled Managed Onboarding integration



    Record Sync is currently only available to US customers.

  • A Managed Onboarding integration that isn't enabled for Record Sync.


LiveRamp’s Managed Integration delivers data tied to CIDs (custom IDs) first into LiveRamp’s Facebook ad account and then shares the audiences out to the customer’s Facebook ad account. See Facebook’s help page “About Shared Audiences” for more information.

Matching Steps
  1. On a quarterly basis, LiveRamp sends Facebook a mapping file of pre-approved-for-marketing hashed PII tied to our Facebook CIDs (also referred to as “ExternIDs” by Facebook). Facebook then generates a mapping in their backend of ExternID to Facebook ID, which allows us to send only ExternIDs when delivering data.

  2. When first-party customer data are uploaded, LiveRamp matches that data to RampIDs, finds all possible Facebook CIDs that are tied to the same RampID, and delivers those matched CIDs via an API to LiveRamp’s Business Manager within Facebook.

  3. Facebook then uses the mapping file it generated in its backend to look up the CIDs (ExternIDs) it received and matches them to their Facebook IDs.

  4. LiveRamp then shares the Custom Audience from a LiveRamp-owned ad account to the customer’s ad account.

The data delivered may only be used for targeting and is not eligible for Lookalike Audiences or further audience sharing. See Facebook’s help page “About Lookalike Audience” for more information.

Data Marketplace Distributions

When distributing Data Marketplace data to Facebook, only one integration option is available:


Before activating a Facebook Data Marketplace destination account, you must add LiveRamp as a partner in your Facebook Ad Account with the “View Performance” role for all ad account IDs you're using by following the steps in "Adding LiveRamp as a Partner in Facebook". If you try to activate the destination account without doing this step, the activation process will fail.

Facebook Data Store Integration Tile.jpg

Data Marketplace Tile Example

See “Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Facebook” for complete instructions.


Distributing Data Marketplace data to this platform goes through LiveRamp’s Advertiser Direct program, which requires a separate agreement and follows a different process from Data Marketplace distribution to other platforms. For more information, see “Implementing LiveRamp's Advertiser Direct Solution”.

Removing Opt-Out Users

LiveRamp has two Facebook Opt Out destination account integration types to enable you to remove opt-out users from your Facebook first-party data campaigns by distributing segments containing opt-out users to that destination account:

  • To opt out users that are being distributed through a Facebook Direct Onboarding destination account, use the Facebook (U.S.) Direct Opt Outs destination account integration:

    FB Direct Opt Out Tile.jpg

    Direct Opt Outs Tile Example

  • To opt out users that are being distributed through a Facebook Managed Onboarding destination account, use the Facebook Managed Opt Outs destination account integration:

    FB Managed Opt Out Tile.jpg

    Managed Opt Outs Tile Example

See “Distribute First-Party Data to Facebook” for complete instructions.