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For EU Match Partners: Uploading Mobile App Files

LiveRamp’s EU match partners can can monetize the data from their UK and French mobile app registrations and logins by uploading log files to LiveRamp via Amazon S3 or via LiveRamp Connect. To send mobile app match data to LiveRamp :

  1. Format the file.

  2. Test your hash function really well.

  3. Name the file.

  4. Upload the file to LiveRamp.

Format the File

Create a file with all of the columns listed in the table below that follows the guidelines listed below:

  • Deliver files in .psv (pipe separated value) or .csv (comma separated value) format with unix line endings.

  • Provide all three hash types for email addresses. Make sure all email addresses are lowercased and all whitespace is removed before hashing.

  • Do not hash mobile device IDs.

  • Remove any duplicate records from your file. Leave the most recent timestamped record in the upload.

  • Separate files by:

    • UK | FR

    • SHA-1 | MD5 | SHA-256 hashed emails

    • AAID | IDFA mobile identifiers

  • Use (1) one hash type for emails and (1) one hash type for advertising IDs (if you prefer to not send raw). You may use a different hashing for emails than you use for device IDs, as long as they are both used consistently throughout the file.


To comply with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), LiveRamp will only accept email addresses in a non-­reversible hashed form.




Hashed Email Address

3b31875f46abd81fb6c003d7a84492f6ef1b2d5e, a010407ea27f6a9ccc70e5d149a7818f

Email address using either SHA-1, MD5, or SHA-256 hashing.

Mobile Advertising ID


The mobile device ID of the device. May send raw, SHA-1or MD5 lowercase hashes. Raw is preferred.

IP Address

IP address of the device.


LiveRamp highly recommends sending only IPv4 IP addresses. You can send IPv6 IP addresses but in most cases, we will not be able to match to those.



Unix Timestamp (seconds since Unix epoch) of when the user was active/logged in.

File Examples

Here is an example of a record (row) using the column categories. This particular row would be in a file containing SHA-1 hashes and IDFA devices.


A populated row might look like this:


Ensure all email addresses meet the requirements below before hashing:

  • The hash input is a valid, non-empty email address.

  • The email address is lowercased.

  • Any whitespace or extra text is removed from the beginning and end of the email address.


For privacy reasons, LiveRamp does not accept raw (plaintext) email addresses from match partners.

Hash the email address ‘’ to verify that your hash function is working properly. ‘’ should produce the following alphanumeric strings:

  • MD5: 3cb7232fcc48743000cb86d0d5022bd9

  • SHA-1: 790d12777b2a83253a14c748a1b1cb09b3a91cca

  • SHA-256: 899d3387a5c5a7555d51d2f0a0b7b50e397fe481fd9a58fafb389b7dc94e11f6

Name the File

Name your file using the exact naming syntax below. Files will be rejected from our system if a different syntax is used.

{company_name}_{country_code}_{advertising_id-type}_{timestamp}.{csv | psv}

  • Company name = your company name, lowercased.

  • Country code = the country code (either “UK” or “FR”).

  • Advertising ID type = the mobile device ID type (“aaid”, “idfa”, “aaid_s”, or “idfa_s”).

  • Timestamp = UNIX epoch time (date and time on the internet).

An example file name might look like this:
