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For Match Partners: Implementing LiveRamp’s Web Match Tag

LiveRamp's match partners can monetize match data from their desktop and mobile web pages by implementing the LiveRamp Web Match Tag. The Web Match Tag is a line of javascript that transfers pseudonymized data to LiveRamp’s system in the form of a hashed email address / cookie ID linkage. It should be placed on your website and called wherever a user’s email addresses can be populated.

To implement:

  1. Deploy the tag.

  2. Test your hash function.

  3. Test the tag.

  4. Apply the web tag to email click-throughs, if applicable. Refer to the “Monetizing Email Click-Throughs” section for more information.

Once your LiveRamp rep has provided you with your tag ID, add the tag below to all website pages where a user’s email addresses can be populated. These might include the following types of locations:

  • Post-registration pages

  • Post-login pages

  • Returning-user pages

  • Landing page(s) associated with any links in your email newsletters, if applicable.


<script src="{TAG_ID}&it=4&iv={MD5}&it=4&iv={SHA1}&it=4&iv={SHA256}" async></script>


It is not important where on the page the javascript is placed. Generally, it is added to the universal footer or into a tag manager, such as Google Tag Manager.

A populated tag might look like this:

<script src="" async></script>

Here are the macro values you will populate:

  • {TAG_ID} is your tag ID. Replace this with the tag ID provided by LiveRamp. Email if you are unsure of your tag ID.

  • {MD5}, {SHA1}, and {SHA256} are the three email hash types we accept. You must replace all three values with the respective hashes of the email address. To maximize addressability and, therefore, match rates and reach, include all three hash types.


For privacy reasons, LiveRamp does not accept raw (plaintext) email addresses from match partners.

Ensure all email addresses meet the requirements below before hashing:

  • The hash input is a valid, non-empty email address.

  • The email address is lowercased.

  • Any whitespace or extra text is removed from the beginning and end of the email address.


For privacy reasons, LiveRamp does not accept raw (plaintext) email addresses from match partners.

Hash the email address ‘’ to verify that your hash function is working properly. ‘’ should produce the following alphanumeric strings:

  • MD5: 3cb7232fcc48743000cb86d0d5022bd9

  • SHA-1: 790d12777b2a83253a14c748a1b1cb09b3a91cca

  • SHA-256: 899d3387a5c5a7555d51d2f0a0b7b50e397fe481fd9a58fafb389b7dc94e11f6

Once you have verified your hashes, test your implementation either on a staging site or “in the wild”. Use the steps below to conduct your audit.

  1. Open an incognito window in Chrome and navigate to a URL where the tag has been placed.

  2. Open Chrome developer tools. Under the "network" tab, check off “preserve log”.

  3. Click through until you’ve submitted a test email.

  4. Search for ‘’ and/or your tag ID (listed as “PID number”) in the ‘network’ tab filter.

  5. Confirm the items below from your test:

    • The javascript tag is firing successfully with status 200 or 204.

    • The PID (tag ID) is correct.

    • The hashes are correct, lowercased, and trimmed.


You may also have a LiveRamp account manager test the tag for you by sending a test email to "", "", or "" Email the Match Network team at if you are sending a test email.

LiveRamp match partners can also use the LiveRamp Web Match Tag to monetize users who click through their email newsletters.

If you wish to implement email click-throughs, first provide a link in your email newsletter that directs users to a landing page on your website. Be sure that the link contains a unique identifier to ID the user.

After you’ve inserted the link, simply add the LiveRamp Web Match Tag to the associated landing page. Once a user clicks through and lands on your website, the Web Match Tag will fire and the user will be counted towards your net total.