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Driving Value with AbiliTec

AbiliTec was the first matching technology designed to simplify and improve the aggregation of client information using a historical knowledge-based approach. AbiliTec enables a more accurate and comprehensive client view of the client’s contact data. This guide will explain some of the ways that your organization can leverage Abilitec to drive value from your data.

Use the links from the AbiliTec graph for the following use cases:

  • Unify Data

    • Unify PII-based records from a wide range of sources into a single, person-based identifier.

    • Unite fragments of customer records (that are tied to different customer touchpoints) to a single record.

    • Keep customer data fresh and up-to-date.

  • Expand Records

    • Validate connections between customer touchpoints within records

    • Reverse accidental overconsolidation of customer records.

    • Add household and place dimensions to your conception of your customer.

  • Enrich Identity

    • Improve your understanding of how your first-party data matches to LiveRamp’s Identity Graph with match metadata and data bundles.

    • Enrich that data in your own environment with data attributes from leading third-party data sellers.

  • Improve data mobility and interoperability

    • Key individual and household formations within your database for the highest fidelity onboarding for online activation.