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LiveRamp Support for Embedded Identity in Cloud Environments

This guide outlines the support LiveRamp provides for the Embedded Identity product, as well as areas where you should seek assistance from your cloud provider or internal teams. Our goal is to ensure you have a seamless experience with our product while effectively leveraging your cloud platform's capabilities.

Support Provided by LiveRamp

During your implementation of Embedded Identity, LiveRamp will provide the following types of support:


After implementation, you can access LiveRamp Support by sending an email to

  • Configuration and Credentials:

    • We give you the appropriate credentials you need to execute the call to the Identity Resolution or Identity Translation product.

    • Our team will guide you through the configuration process, helping you tailor your use of the Embedded Identity service to fit your specific use cases and needs.

  • Troubleshooting and Ongoing Support:

    • Troubleshooting:  If you encounter issues such as failed jobs or permission errors related to the LiveRamp service, we help resolve these problems and offer basic advice on data formats, data hygiene best practices, and optimal processing times.

    • Ongoing Support: After implementation, our team remains available to assist with any issues related to the performance or functionality of the Embedded Identity product. We provide support for identifying and addressing errors, answering usage questions, and ensuring the product continues to meet your needs.

  • Data Validation Support:

    • We help you run an end-to-end validation with synthetic data (provided by LiveRamp) to ensure you are comfortable running the process.

  • Product Updates and Best Practices:

    • As our product evolves, we will keep you informed about updates, new features, and improvements. We’ll also provide guidance on how to best leverage these enhancements in your workflows.

  • Consultation on Future Use Cases:

    • If your identity resolution needs evolve, we help you adjust configurations or processes to align with new business goals. 

Support Not Provided by LiveRamp

While we are committed to supporting your use of Embedded Identity, some areas are better addressed by your cloud provider or internal teams:

LiveRamp does not provide the following types of support for Embedded Identity within implementation:

  • Comprehensive System Design:

    • We can provide some basic insights based on other implementations, but designing  data pipelines within your cloud environment is outside our scope.

    • For full system design and access control recommendations, consult your internal teams or cloud provider.  

  • Custom Code Development:

    • Our support does not extend to writing, fixing, or automating custom code in your cloud environment, such as the orchestration or wrapping of calls to the Embedded Identity product.

    • We encourage you to consult your development team or cloud provider for these tasks.

  • Advanced Cloud-Specific Troubleshooting:

    • For issues that are specific to your cloud infrastructure (such ase.g., network latency, security groups, VPC configurations, or performance tuning), your cloud provider’s support team will be better equipped to assist.

  • Legal and Compliance:

    • LiveRamp cannot offer guidance on legal or compliance matters. We recommend consulting your legal or compliance teams for assistance with industry-specific requirements.

When to Contact Your Cloud Provider

Your cloud provider’s support team will be your best resource for the following:

  • Performance issues related to the cloud infrastructure (e.g., compute and storage limits, networking problems)

  • Advanced security and compliance setup, such as IAM policies and VPC configurations

  • Issues involving custom scripts, integrations with other cloud services, or service-specific optimizations

For more information on your cloud provider’s support, please consult their official documentation or support portal:


If you're uncertain whether your issue falls under LiveRamp or cloud provider support, feel free to reach out to our team for guidance. We’ll direct you to the right resource to ensure your issue is resolved quickly and effectively.