Glossary of All Terms
An alphabetical listing containing brief definitions of most LiveRamp terms.
- application (app)
A program on a digital device (most commonly smartphones and tablets) that provides a specific service or function.
- application programming interface (API)
An application programming interface is a set of commands that programmers and developers use to communicate with a specific piece of software or hardware.
- Demand-Side Platform (DSP)
Advertising platform that allows advertisers to automate the buying of digital ad inventories.
- Envelope API
API that translates (hashed) identifiers into RampIDs and puts them inside a secure, encrypted identity envelope.
- hashing
A cryptographic operation performed on variable-length data strings, such as email addresses or phone numbers, to convert them from plaintext to bit strings of a fixed length through the use of a specific algorithm. Hashing of a particular data string with a particular algorithm always produces the same result. Hashing is designed to be a one-way function so it is very difficult to reverse. Common hashing algorithms include MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256.
- identifier
Data that are used to identify something, such as a person, mobile device, computer browser, or household.
- Identity Envelope
Secure, encrypted LiveRamp identity envelopes that contain a RampID. Envelopes can only be decrypted by vendors having a Sidecar application running on their server.
- Placement ID (PID)
Unique identifier provided by LiveRamp that is used to identify a specific publisher.
- RampID
LiveRamp's universal, pseudonymous identifier that is tied to devices in the LiveRamp Identity Graph.
- Record Sync
A type of LiveRamp destination integration that allows you to propagate user deletions downstream to supported destination platforms.
- Refresh Envelope API
API that allows clients to send identity envelopes and (if the user has not opted out) the Refresh Envelope API will return the same envelope with an extended expiration time.
- RideAlong
An ATS feature that enables other identity providers to embed their identifiers in ATS envelopes.
- Sidecar
The LiveRamp Sidecar enables RampIDs and other people-based IDs in real-time bidding (RTB) bid requests for Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs). The Sidecar allows an SSP to decode the identity envelopes LiveRamp has provided into Demand-Side Platform-specific RampIDs and other people-based identifiers that can be used for identification purposes of the underlying browser in RTB bid requests.
- Supply-Side Platform (SSP)
Advertising platform that allows publishers to make their ad inventory available to large demand and automate the process of real-time bidding auctions.
- Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF)
The Transparency and Consent Framework consists of technical specifications and policies. It is created to help all parties who display and manage digital advertising and develop targeted content to comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Directive (ePD) when processing personal data and/or accessing and/or storing information on a user's device.