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Announcing Updated Spotify first-party data integration (10/20/20)

Spotify has recently updated their first-party first-party data integration. There is now a new destination account tile in Connect for first-party distributions to Spotify called “Spotify Activation - NEW”.



The Spotify Data Marketplace integration is not affected by this change.

For customers with existing first-party distributions to Spotify, you do not need to take any action to continue those distributions, as we have migrated all existing distributions to the new integration and created a new destination account for each of your previous Spotify first-party destination accounts.


To help Spotify confirm that the integration is working properly, the previous destination accounts will remain visible in Connect until November 1, 2020. However, you should not use the previous destination accounts for distributions. The previous destination accounts will be deleted on November 1, 2020.

To create a new first-party distribution to Spotify, use the “Spotify Activation - NEW” destination account tile (see “Activate a New Destination Account” and “Distribute Data to a Destination” for instructions).