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LiveRamp Units

For Activation workflows, LiveRamp units is a billing metric that measures the total number of unique records you have set up to distribute to each active destination in that month.


The count of unique records is the number of unique audience members across all active files in a specific audience. Unique records have been de-duped (if John Doe is in your file more than once, we only count him as one record) by means of the audience key used for that audience.

See "How Connect Counts Unique Records" for more information.

For Measurement Enablement workflows, LiveRamp units is a billing metric that measures the number of records uploaded to a Measurement Enablement audience multiplied by the number of destinations those records were sent to.


LiveRamp units are sometimes also referred to as “Activation units”.

Types of LiveRamp Units

There are two types of LiveRamp Units:

  • A people-based unit represents records that contain people-based identifiers (such as data keyed off of PII, RampIDs, or a platform-specific custom ID (a CID, like a Facebook ID)) to a destination platform or measurement destination.

  • A device-based unit represents records that contain device-based identifiers (such as data keyed off cookies or mobile device IDs) to a destination platform or measurement destination.

When we calculate total LiveRamp Units, we use the formula “people-based units + (device-based units/10)” to account for the number of devices the average person might have. For example, if you had 1,000,000 people-based units and 5,000,000 device-based units, that would result in a total of 1,500,000 LiveRamp Units (1,000,000 + (5,000,000/10).

LiveRamp Units are used for Activation and Measurement Enablement (measurement) workflows and are calculated slightly differently for each.

How LiveRamp Units are Calculated for Activation Workflows

For Activation, a LiveRamp unit is an active record configured to distribute to a single destination. For example, if you distribute one record to two Facebook destination accounts and three Google Customer Match destination accounts, that would result in two LiveRamp units.

  • LiveRamp units are based on audience keys and are de-duplicated across audiences (within a customer) sent to a destination.

  • Data Marketplace distributions are excluded.

  • LiveRamp units is the sum of the max to each destination in the month:

    • If you configured 100 records for distribution on the 15th of the month but then turned off the distribution on the 20th, you would be billed for 100 LiveRamp Units (rather than 0).

    • If you configured 100 records for distribution on the 5th, and turned that distribution off on the 9th, but then later turned on 150 records on the 10th, you would be billed for 150 LiveRamp Units (and not 250, since you never had 250 records distributing at the same time).

How LiveRamp Units are Calculated for Measurement Enablement Workflows

For Measurement Enablement, a LiveRamp unit is a record uploaded to a Measurement Enablement audience times the number of destinations it was sent to. For example, if you uploaded 2,000,000 unique records and we delivered those back to you and to your measurement partner, that would be 4,000,000 LiveRamp units (2,000,000 x 2).