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Platform Guide to Connected TV Targeting and Measurement

With RampID, platforms with Connected TV (CTV) viewer data can perform advanced activation and measurement. This includes gaining insights for first-party data as well as appending third-party data to their CTV audiences for improved media monetization.

LiveRamp matches a platform's CTV IDs to RampIDs (LiveRamp’s people-based IDs) and makes that data available in the desired LiveRamp UI. Platforms can then buy third-party data from the LiveRamp Data Marketplace and connect that data to those CTV IDs for use in TV targeting.

In addition to Connect, LiveRamp offers the Advanced TV UI for building custom audiences and sizing against the platform's owned and operated footprint.

There are two integration options to choose from:

  • Client CTV graph build: Enables onboarding, activation, and measurement via Connect, Safe Haven, Advanced TV, and Measurement Enablement. This integration option takes advantage of the full client CTV footprint tied to RampID and requires a 2-3 week lead time to set up.

  • LiveRamp CTV graph: Enables onboarding and measurement via Connect and Measurement Enablement. This integration uses LiveRamp's CTV contributor graph and requires minimal lead time to set up.


CTV data only! IP addresses can only be used to match CTV device IDs to RampIDs. Data must be stored/used via the CTV device ID to ensure consent tracking. IP addresses are discarded after matching. IP addresses cannot be included as identifiers for other matching types.

Contact your LiveRamp representative for more details on next steps, depending on which integration type you want to implement (client graph or LiveRamp graph).

Client Graph Recommendations

  • The more data you provide, the better. For client graph builds, LiveRamp uses a rolling 90 day lookback window. To start syncing with LiveRamp, we recommend sending at least 30 days of the most recent data in order to produce accurate matches at scale. Once the initial delivery occurs, we recommend a daily or weekly file delivery with new data that you have recorded.

  • If you have a “truth set” of viewer data (SHA-1, MD5, and SHA-256 hashed email addresses tied to CTV device ID), LiveRamp can use it to improve the accuracy and reach of matching. Contact your LiveRamp account team to coordinate delivery.

  • LiveRamp highly recommends sending only IPv4 IP addresses. You can send IPv6 IP addresses but in most cases we will not be able to match to those.

Sending CTV Ad Request Data for a Client Graph

You can get your CTV event data to LiveRamp either via pixel calls or by sending us data files via any of our allowed methods (see "Getting Your Data Into LiveRamp" for more information).


Once your ad request data has been uploaded, it typically takes 2-3 weeks before your private CTV graph is ready to use in your desired LiveRamp UI. After this initial setup phase, your private graph acts as the identity spine for ingesting your first-party segment or exposure data, and typical ingestion timelines apply..

To send CTV ad request data via pixel calls, follow the instructions in “Enable CTV Targeting by Sending CTV Events via Pixel”.

To send CTV ad request data via files, follow the instructions in “Enable CTV Targeting by Sending CTV Event Files”.