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Integrate Google Analytics with LaunchPad

LaunchPad supports Google Analytics which allows you to track LaunchPad events in Google Analytics.

To set up a Google Analytics integration:

  1. From the LaunchPad area in Console, open the LaunchPad configuration you want to integrate ATS.js with.

  2. Select the Integrations tab.

  3. Click New.

  4. Under Integrations, click Google Analytics.

  5. In the Choose Events area, select an event you want to be pushed to Google Analytics (see the list of available events shown below).

  6. To add additional events, click the Plus icon and repeat the previous step.

  7. Onve you've added all the desired events, click Save.

The events can now be set up in Google Analytics.

LaunchPad Events

LaunchPad events are events emitted from the LaunchPad library and can be used to get insights into the LaunchPad behaviour.


`callback result`: {"event":"cmpWrapperLoaded"}

Fired after the CMP wrapper has been loaded.


`callback result`: {"event":"cmpWrapperNotLoaded"}

Fired after the CMP wrapper has not been loaded.


`callback result`: {"event":"isLoaded"}

Fired when the full LaunchPad implementation has been loaded and assigned to window.__launchpad. If the LaunchPad is loaded before an event listener is added the listener will be fired immediately after being added.


`callback result`: {"event":"isReady"}

Fired when the full LaunchPad implementation has been loaded and geoLocation has been determined. If the LaunchPad is ready before an event listener is added the listener will be fired immediately after being added. Event for document is also fired.


`callback result`: {"event":"disabledCookies"}

Fired when cookies are disabled in the browser.


`callback result`: {"event":"commandQueued"}

Fired after LaunchPad is ready if command is queued until data are available.


`callback result`: {"event":"noCmpApplies"}

Fired in case there is no CMP configuration eligible in a particular region.


`callback result`: {"event":"atsWrapperLoaded"}

Fired when the ATS library wrapper is loaded.


`callback result`: {"event":"atsWrapperNotLoaded"}

Fired when the ATS library wrapper is not loaded.

CMP Events

The CMP events are the events emitted by the Privacy Manager libraries. LaunchPad maps the events and makes them available in the Analytics data layer.


`callback result`: {"event":"isCmpLoaded"}

Fired when the full CMP implementation has been loaded and assigned to window.__tcfapi. The vendors list from vendors.json is not guaranteed to be loaded. If the CMP is loaded before an event listener is added the listener will be fired immediately after being added.


`callback result`: {"event":"isCmpReady"}

Fired when the full CMP implementation has been loaded and all vendor list information has been retrieved. If the CMP is ready before an event listener is added the listener will be fired immediately after being added. Event for document is also fired.


`callback result`: {"event":"commandQueued"}

Fired after CMP is ready if command is queued until consent data are available.


`callback result`: {"event":"consentToolShouldBeShown"}

Fired after CMP is ready if consent tool should be shown.


`callback result`: {"event":"consentChanged"}

Fired on every consent change.


`callback result`: {"event":"auditIdChanged"}

Fired on audit id change.


  `callback result`: {"event":"acceptAllButtonClicked"}

Fired on acceptAll button click.


`callback result`: {"event":"denyAllButtonClicked"}

Fired on denyAll button click.


`callback result`: {"event":"saveAndExit"}

Fired on save and exit button click.


`callback result`: {"event":"exitButtonClicked"}

Fired on exit button click.


`callback result`: {"event":"managerDisplayed"}

Fired when consent manager is displayed.


`callback result`: {"event":"managerClosed"}

Fired when consent manager is closed.


`callback result`: {"event":"managerAlreadyShown"}

Fired if consent manager is already shown and command for show is called.


`callback result`: {"event":"noticeDisplayed"}

Fired when consent notice is displayed.


`callback result`: {"event":"noticeClosed"}

Fired when consent notice is closed.


`callback result`: {"event":"noticeAlreadyShown"}

Fired if consent notice is already shown and command for show is called.


`callback result`: {"event":"noGdprApplies"}

Fired if the configurations in the CMP are set to EU countries only and the end user is visiting from outside the EU countries configured list.


`callback result`: {"event":"dauLogSent"}

Fired when the interpreted consent state (full, partial, no, unknown) is sent to the Daily Active Users log. The interpreted consent state data are used for reporting purposes. This event can be used to update other services with the user's interpreted consent state.