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Announcing Household Counts for Unauthenticated Universes (9/2/20)

As TV viewership gets more fragmented across MVPD and OTT platforms, it becomes even more important to provide a combined household view of the target audience for efficient and accurate planning and activation.

Our latest enhancement is focused on providing an accurate household count across authenticated viewers (such as MVPD subscribers) and unauthenticated viewership sources from OTT devices.

In addition to the aggregated subscriber and device counts, you will now be able to see the breakdown of OTT devices into OTT converted households and unassociated OTT devices.

Where possible, we will use LiveRamp’s Identity Graph to positively associate unauthenticated OTT devices with a household. These devices are counted as “OTT Converted Households”. When we cannot positively make that association, the devices are counted as “Unassociated OTT”.

To see these metrics for a specific audience, check the “Convert Devices to HH” check box when building the audience or editing the audience.


For a fuller explanations of these metrics, see "Advanced TV Terms and Concepts."