Announcement: Data Sellers Must Now Include Advertiser Direct Pricing (11/8/24)
We’ve released an important update that safeguards data sellers from data buyers inadvertently distributing unpriced Advertiser Direct segments.
Now all segment metadata files must contain valid Advertiser Direct pricing for all segments in order to upload successfully, even if you do not participate in the Advertiser Direct program. If any segments do not include valid Advertiser Direct Percentage of Media pricing, you’ll receive an error message that indicates the first row in the file without valid pricing, but all rows should be reviewed to make sure they have valid Advertiser Direct pricing.

Once you’ve updated the file and confirmed that all segments contain Advertiser Direct pricing, upload the file again.
To be valid, the Advertiser Direct Percentage of Media must be a whole (no decimal places), positive (non-zero) number. For example, to set the Advertiser Direct PoM to 10%, enter "10".
For more information, see “Data Marketplace Pricing Options”. For information on troubleshooting segment metadata file uploads, see "Troubleshoot Data Marketplace Segment Metadata File Errors".