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Announcement: Smart Reach Being Deprecated April 30, 2023 (3/31/23)

Effective April 30, 2023, LiveRamp’s Online Smart Reach (OSR) program will be deprecated. Online Smart Reach is LiveRamp’s legacy reach expansion program allowing clients who opted in to access the Smart Reach network to increase match rates when data is activated via LiveRamp Connect.

"Deprecated" means that LiveRamp’s OSR tags (pixels) will be disabled from the LiveRamp pixel server on April 30, 2023. After April 30, 2023, OSR pixels will no longer work and will no longer provide increased match rates and reach.

If you continue to have these pixels on your web properties, it will have a minimal impact; however, as a good practice for your business and LiveRamp, it’s best to remove these Smart Reach tags from your properties so you can properly maintain and manage your tags.

For information on removing your Smart Reach tags, see the section below. We recommend that you remove them before April 30, 2023, as they will be disabled from the LiveRamp server side. Once they’re disabled from our end, this will cause 400 errors on-site or in marketing emails.

If you are interested in learning more about this update or would like to learn how to maintain and increase match rates with publisher platforms, we recommend learning about our ATS solution. It helps find and connect users on cookieless browsers like Safari and Firefox (and soon Chrome) with RampID. ATS is also integrated into the Meta Conversions API program. For more information on how to remediate any effects from this deprecation, contact your LiveRamp account team.

Remove Your LiveRamp Online Smart Reach Tags

  1. To find your Smart Reach tags, check your tag implementations for the Smart Reach tag request URL shown below and the tag ID(s) provided by your LiveRamp account team on your website (through your tag manager) or in your marketing email templates.

    Smart Reach Tag request URL:[TAG ID]

    For example, if you had a Partner Smart Reach Web Tag ID of “123456” and a Partner Smart Reach Email Tag ID of “987654”, you would look for the following request URLs:


    The request URL shown is consistent across both the web and email channels.

  2. Remove all Smart Reach tags from both your website(s) and marketing emails.


    Email campaign Smart Reach tags may be in individual email templates or may reside in the baseline email template that includes your baseline tags from various other vendors.

  3. Confirm with the LiveRamp team that your tags have been removed and that no more traffic is being passed.