View Segment Delivery Stats

There are two place in Connect where you can view stats for your actively distributing segments:

  • You can see the number of cookies, Apple devices, and Android devices that have been matched at that destination for all of your actively distributing segments on the Segments Distribution page.

  • You can view the following stats on the Audience Segments page:

Unsupported Matched Reach Counts

Matched Reach counts for the destinations listed below are not supported, as they might not accurately reflect the total cross-device reach your audience has on those destinations' platforms:

  • Datalogix

  • Facebook

  • Roku

  • Pandora

  • Spotify

  • Google Customer Match (Data Append)

  • Hulu

  • Charter TV

  • Roku

  • Dish

  • Sling

  • Altice

  • DirectTV

  • Comcast

  • Verizon

  • Cox

  • Discovery

To get counts for one of these destinations, contact your account representative at that destination.

View Stats on the Segment Distribution Page

You can see the number of cookies, Apple devices, and Android devices that have been matched at that destination for all of your actively distributing segments on the Segments Distribution page.


The way LiveRamp calculates device stats may differ from how your destination platform calculates the same stats, and Connect might show higher or lower device counts for a given segment. For more information, see "Why LiveRamp Stats Might Differ From Your Destination's Stats".

  • From the Connect navigation menu, click Destination Accounts to navigate to the Destination Accounts page and then click MANAGE on the desired destination account tile to navigate to the Segment Distribution page for that destination account.

    DA tile manage button.jpg


    By default, the list of destination accounts is initially filtered to show only active destination accounts. To access a destination account that is not active, adjust the filter setting.


You can see the number of cookies, Apple devices, and Android devices that have been matched at that destination for all of your actively distributing segments.



  • These statistics reflect the number of identifiers (devices or platform custom IDs) LiveRamp was able to match, but may differ from the number of devices recognized at the destination for a number of reasons. See "Why LiveRamp Stats Might Differ From Your Destination's Stats" for more information.

  • You may see an hourglass if stats have not yet been generated for this distribution. These stats may take up to 4-7 days to generate. Your segments are still distributing and will show up at the destination platform.

View Stats on the Audience Segments Page

You can view the following stats on the Audience Segments page:

  • For actively distributing fields and segments (including derived segments), you can view record matches and destination matches


    The way LiveRamp calculates device stats may differ from how your destination platform calculates the same stats, and Connect might show higher or lower device counts for a given segment. For more information, see "Why LiveRamp Stats Might Differ From Your Destination's Stats".

  • For fields and derived segments, you can view platform-specific device reach estimates


    Platform-specific device reach estimates are sampling-based estimates of the overlap between the overall field or derived segment estimate and the cookie pool for the selected destination. Because these estimates are sampling based, each estimate’s margin of error depends on a number of factors, including the ratio of the segment size to the size of the audience that contains the field or derived segment. The margin of error also varies, and can be up to 30%.

  1. From the Connect navigation menu, hover over Audiences and then select the desired audience to navigate to the Audience Segments page for that audience.

  2. Select a destination from the list of available destinations in the Destinations panel:


    Two additional columns appear in the table with stats broken down by device type:

    • Record Matches: The number of records in the segment that were matched to one or more devices at the destination (depending on the match type selected).

    • Destination Matches: The expected number of matched identifiers (mobile device IDs, cookies, or custom IDs, depending on the match type selected) at the destination.

  3. If you are sending multiple device types to a destination, you can toggle between devices by changing the match types in the Match Types panel.



    The "Mobile" selection is an aggregate of delivered Apple and Android in-app mobile device IDs.

  4. To view platform-specific device reach estimates for a field or derived segment:

    1. Hover over the row for the field or derived segment and click the View button that appears.

    2. From the side panel that appears, select the desired destination from the drop-down list in the Distribution Information area.

The device reach estimate appears.