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Google Secure Signals for Publisher

The Google Secure Signals (previously Encrypted Signals) for Publishers integration allows publishers who are working with GPT (Google Publisher Tags) to share LiveRamp’s Identity Envelope directly with bidders that the publishers choose to work with.

If you are implementing ATS via API, see our developers documentation on how to work with Google ESP and ATS API.


This integration requires you to still run ATS to generate the envelopes.

How Secure Signals Works with ATS.js

By adding Secure Signals as an integration to your ATS for Web (ATS.js) configuration, the ATS library will host a script as specified by Google. The hosted script registers itself with GPT using our unique ID ‘’ (provided by Google Ad Manager). When the LiveRamp Identity Envelope becomes available, it will be automatically pushed to GPT and then be included in RTB bid requests within Google’s ad exchange.

The composition of the signals shared by identity providers is controlled by the publisher, who also controls the list of eligible bidders. LiveRamp’s Identity Envelopes will only be shared at the publisher’s explicit instruction and only with bidders the publisher has allowed to receive the envelope.

Make Sure Secure Signals are Properly Shared

For your GAM (Google Ad Manager) account to be eligible for receiving encrypted signals and thus LiveRamp’s Identity Envelopes,  you must make sure secure signals are properly shared with third-party bidders on your GAM account. See Google’s article “Share secure signals with bidders” to learn all the required steps.

How to Add Secure Signals Integration in Console

  1. Go to ATS > Web and select an ATS configuration.

  2. Select Integrations and click Create New.

  3. Select Google ESP.

  4. Click Publish.


Are all bidders automatically eligible for receiving secure signals?

Any bidder buying through AdX, either Authorized Buying or Open Bidding (EBDA), is eligible to receive any publisher signals, including Liveramp’s identity envelopes, provided that they can decrypt the envelopes.

Will publishers be able to see which bidders have enabled LiveRamp in the list presented in GAM?

The list that publishers see isn’t filtered by bidders who have enabled the signal. Publishers can choose which signals they want to allow, and which bidders they want to allow to receive signals. Bidders on their side subscribe to the signals they want to receive.

If the publisher has allowed the signal (e.g. LiveRamp) and the bidder, and the bidder has subscribed to Liveramp, then they will receive the signal. Therefore, some communication between the publisher and the bidder are required to reflect the nature of the direct relationship this functionality intends to support.

Where can I find a guideline to send to bidders explaining to them what needs to be done for our signals to be passed down correctly?

We are preparing some additional materials, but you can check out the following protocol guides from Google on how to find the encrypted signal on the bid request:

To register for signals, bidders need to log into their Authorized Buyers account and navigate to Bidder Settings > RTB Settings. Then, scroll down to Encrypted signals area where they can choose which signals they want to receive. See Googles's article "Share secure signals with bidders (for bidders)" to learn more.

Publishers must also allow the bidders to receive signals, but that is not a technical action.