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Latin America Publisher Recommendations for LiveRamp Privacy and Data Ethics Review

You may follow the guidelines below for your CMP and privacy policy If you are running ATS in Latin American countries. The recommendations in this article are applicable for the following countries:

  • Argentina

  • Brazil


This document sets out LiveRamp’s recommended approach and is intended only to provide guidance. Please seek independent legal advice and do not rely on this document for legal interpretation or compliance requirements.

Recommendations on Transparency

Make sure your users are well-informed about how their data is being used and how to access their consent by following the recommendations below. Additionally, we also recommend having a CMP or an equivalent banner on your website. If not, you must include the information in the privacy policy.

Add the country-specific recommendations below in the privacy policy, cookie policy, CMP, or equivalent banner on your website.




Information must be displayed in the local language



Privacy policy must be easily accessible from the CMP or the equivalent banner on the website



The existence of a database, if any, and the name and domicile of the responsible for such database


Information about Liveramp's purposes including targeted advertising and measurement (or equivalent)



Information about third party cookies and other technologies setting



Information about user rights to access, rectify, erase, and withdraw consent.



Information on how to opt-out or to withdraw consent


Information about the processing of personal data (i.e. information about hashed emails)



Categorized list of data recipients



(Nice to have, but not required) Presence of the LiveRamp recommended privacy policy paragraph in local language



Table 1.

Recommendations on Subscription or Registration form

We recommend the presence of an age verification process on the website to avoid data collection of users under the age of 18. Alternatively, if the publisher is not requiring users to fill-in their date of birth and is not asking them to confirm they are not minors, LiveRamp will determine whether the website is "directed at minors".