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LaunchPad Events

This article describes what events are available.


`callback result`: {"event":"isLoaded"}

Fired when the full LaunchPad implementation has been loaded and assigned to window.__launchpad. If the LaunchPad is loaded before an event listener is added the listener will be fired immediately after being added.


`callback result`: {"event":"isReady"}

Fired when the full LaunchPad implementation has been loaded and geoLocation has been determined. If the LaunchPad is ready before an event listener is added the listener will be fired immediately after being added. Event for document is also fired.


`callback result`: {"event":"commandQueued"}

Fired after LaunchPad is ready if command is queued until data are available.


`callback result`: {"event":"cmpWrapperLoaded"}

Fired after the CMP wrapper has been loaded.


`callback result`: {"event":"atsWrapperLoaded"}

Fired after ATS wrapper is loaded.


`callback result`: {"event":"disabledCookies"}

Fired when cookies are disabled in the browser.