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Local Encoder for Publishers

LiveRamp Local Encoder allows publishers and platforms to transform PII-based identifiers into identity envelopes containing RampIDs in their own environment without sending consumer data to LiveRamp. This way, identifiers will never leave your infrastructure and you can still safely transact on RampIDs in the bidstream or build a mapping of your CIDs to RampIDs.

For example, you might be a platform who wants to transact on RampIDs in the bidstream with SSPs but not allow your consumer PII to leave your environment to comply with local data protection legislation. You can use Local Encoder to generate identity envelopes (which contain derived RampIDs). These envelopes can then be used to create a mapping between your platform users and their envelopes. When a mapped user visits your website, you can pass their associated envelope into the bidstream, where they are utilized by SSPs in bid requests.

You might benefit from Local Encoder if you are working in regions that prohibit the transfer of PIIs, if your company requires a solution where transferring PII to third parties is not possible, or to be more prepared with an uncertain regulatory environment.


Identity envelopes generated through Local Encoder will have a TTL of 15 days.

Difference Between Local Encoder and ATS

ATS and Local Encoder accomplish the same goal with different methods. ATS obtains identifiers from your websites in real-time and hashes them before sending them to LiveRamp to convert them into identity envelopes.

With Local Encoder, identity envelopes are generated locally within your infrastructure without them leaving your environment by uploading batch files. Local Encoder is run as a Docker image, distributed via the AWS Elastic Container Registry. Local Encoder can be run on any infrastructure that supports running Docker images.

Just as with ATS, the envelopes produced with the Local Encoder cannot be decoded back to the original customer identifiers and can only be decrypted by SSPs running LiveRamp Sidecar.


Contact your LiveRamp representative to see if Local Encoder suits your needs and to get it enabled.

Deploy Local Encoder

Once you're ready to deploy the Local Encoder, see the following articles in our Identity documentation site for more information:

To learn more about the available use cases, the typical workflow and the types of data you can send for Local Encoder, see “LiveRamp Local Encoder”.