We've improved the display and interaction in the data area and sandbox area of the Audience Builder page, as well as the Audience Details side panel, with a number of new features:
You can see the number of values for a segment category in the data area of the Audience Builder.
You can click a segment category row to display a panel that lists all of the values in that field and for Data Marketplace segments the panel will also display a segment description and the CPM for each segment value.
When you drag a segment category into the builder, all values are selected by default.
You can drag an individual segment value into the builder, and the value is selected by default.
You can use multiple select to drag multiple segment categories and segments values into the builder.
Activation Data Cost (CPM) is available in both the footer area and in the Details tab of the Audience Details side panel.
Hovering on Activation Data Cost shows the CPM breakdown for first-party data vs Data Marketplace data.
For Data Marketplace segments that you move into the builder, a Data Marketplace icon now appears for that segment.
For more information, see the following articles: