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Announcement: New Facebook Data Marketplace Destination Account Validation (6/26/23)

On July 17, 2023, we’ll be adding a destination account validation process for Facebook Data Marketplace. Starting on that date, when you activate a Facebook Data Marketplace integration, we’ll first validate that you’ve performed the necessary steps to add LiveRamp as a partner in Facebook before allowing the destination account to be created.

Distributing Data Marketplace data to Facebook requires that you utilize automated usage reporting. To do this, you must give LiveRamp the appropriate permissions by adding LiveRamp as a partner in your Facebook Ad Account with the “View Performance” role for the ad account IDs listed in that destination account. For information on performing those steps, see "Add LiveRamp as a Partner in Facebook".

This update means that you no longer have to create and submit manual usage reports, saving your team time and effort. Also, this process will lessen the administrative effort for your team as we expect this to streamline billing processes.


Distributing Data Marketplace data to Facebook is through LiveRamp’s Advertiser Direct program and requires a separate agreement. For more information, see “Implementing LiveRamp’s Advertiser Direct Solution”.

If you have active Facebook Data Marketplace destination accounts where the referenced Facebook ad account IDs have not had LiveRamp added as a partner, you must take action before August 17, 2023 to prevent those destination accounts from becoming deactivated. For more information, see the “Impacts to Existing Facebook Data Marketplace Destination Accounts” section below.

Impacts to New Facebook Data Marketplace Destination Accounts

Starting July 17, when you activate a Facebook Data Marketplace integration, you will not be able to complete the process unless you have already performed the necessary steps to add LiveRamp as a partner to the ad account ID(s) used for that destination account.

If this step has not been completed, you will see an error message when you try to create the destination account by clicking the Create Destination Account button. If this happens, perform the steps to add LiveRamp as a partner for the ad account ID(s) and then try creating the destination account again.

Impacts to Existing Facebook Data Marketplace Destination Accounts

We recommend that you check all ad accounts you’re using in LiveRamp for distributions to Facebook to make sure that LiveRamp has been added as a partner with the “View Performance” role. If you need additional information for this, contact your LiveRamp CSM.

If you have existing Facebook Data Marketplace destination accounts where LiveRamp has not been added as a partner for the referenced ad account IDs, you will have until August 17th, 2023 to add LiveRamp as a partner. After August 17, we will deactivate any Facebook Data Marketplace destination accounts that contain an ad account ID that LiveRamp hasn’t been added as a partner for and the data for those destination accounts will stop distributing.

After you’ve added LiveRamp as a partner, you can reactivate any destination accounts that have been deactivated by setting that destination account to “active” (for more information on reactivating a destination account, see “Edit or View Destination Account Settings”).

Starting July 17, 2023, if you attempt to edit a Facebook Data Marketplace destination account that contains an ad account ID that LiveRamp hasn’t been added as a partner for, you will be unable to save those changes until you’ve added LiveRamp as a partner.