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Perform Translation Through ADX

LiveRamp's Translation in the Amazon Data Exchange (ADX) allows for the translation of a RampID from one partner encoding to another using either maintained or derived RampIDs. This allows you to match persistent pseudonymous identifiers to one another and enables use of the data without sharing the sensitive underlying identifiers.


Specifically, RampID translation enables:

  • Person-based analytics

  • Increased match rates in data collaboration

  • Measurement enablement across device types

You can access LiveRamp Identity Resolution within the ADX Marketplace, meaning translation can be performed without leaving AWS. See "LiveRamp Identity in ADX" for more information.

Overall Steps

Before you can perform translation, you must perform the steps to enable LiveRamp Identity in the ADX Marketplace, including providing access to your S3 buckets. For information on performing these steps, see “LiveRamp Identity in the ADX Marketplace”.

After you’ve performed the steps to enable LiveRamp Identity in ADX, perform the following steps to translate RampIDs:


To avoid errors, you might want to verify that your native app setup has been performed correctly before performing the operation. For more information, see the "Checklist to Verify Your Setup for LiveRamp Identity in ADX" section below.

  1. Format the input data file and load it into your AWS S3 input location.

  2. Initiate translation by calling the LiveRamp Workflows API endpoint.

  3. Initiate output file delivery by calling the LiveRamp Polling API endpoint.

The calls can be made either as https curl requests or through the AWS CLI (command line interface).

After you initiate file delivery, LiveRamp delivers the translated output file(s) to the specified S3 output location and associated usage metrics are reported to AWS for billing.

See the sections below for more information on performing these steps.

Checklist to Verify Your Setup for LiveRamp Identity in ADX

To avoid errors, use the checklists in the sections below to verify that all the necessary native app setup steps have been successfully performed before executing an operation.

AWS Region Alignment

  • Region in Contract: Confirm that the AWS region you provided to LiveRamp during contract execution is consistent with your actual AWS services.

  • AWS CLI Region Check: Run aws configure get region to verify the AWS region for the IAM user or profile you're using.

IAM User and Permissioning

  • IAM User for ADX: Confirm that there is an IAM user configured specifically for ADX operations.

  • ADX Permissioning: Confirm that the IAM user has the required permissions for starting and polling jobs in ADX.

  • S3 Bucket Permissioning: Confirm that the IAM user has been granted read and write permissions for both the input and output S3 buckets.

S3 Bucket Setup

  • Input Bucket Configuration: Confirm that there is an S3 bucket exclusively dedicated for input files for LiveRamp processing.

  • Output Bucket Configuration: Confirm that there is a separate S3 bucket dedicated for output files from LiveRamp processing.

  • Bucket Policy Verification: Confirm that the bucket policies for the input and output buckets are aligned with LiveRamp's required permissions.

  • Bucket Accessibility Test: Execute aws s3 ls s3://<input-bucket-name> and aws s3 ls s3://<output-bucket-name> to verify IAM user access to the buckets.

Format the Input Data File

See the sections below for information on formatting the input data file for translation.

Input File Formatting Guidelines

Translation input data files should be formatted as CSV files. When creating input data files, follow these additional guidelines:

  • Include a header row in the first line of every file. Files cannot be processed without headers.

  • You can name your columns however you want, but every column name must be unique in a table.

  • Include the desired target domain encoding for each row in the column for the target domain:

    • Enter a partner’s domain when translating from your native encoding to that partner’s domain.

    • Enter your domain when translating from a partner’s encoding to your native encoding.

  • When performing translation on multiple files in one job, make sure the identifier column headers are the same in every file and that they match the value given for the “target_column” parameter in the call to initiate identity resolution.

  • Try not to include additional columns. Having extra columns slows down processing.


    Additional columns (such as attribute data columns) can be included in the input file, but only the input RampIDs and translated RampIDs will be returned in the output file.

File Format Example

See the table below for an example of how to format an input data file.






RampID (maintained or derived) for translation.



Target domain.



Target type. Currently only "RampID" is supported.

Initiate Translation

Once your data files have been prepared and placed into your S3 bucket, initiate the translation process. This is done by making a call to the LiveRamp Workflows ADX API that follows the format of the example commands shown below.

Initiate Resolution with an Https Curl Call

See below for the format of an https curl call used to initiate identity resolution:

curl --location --request POST 
'https://<data-exchange-url>/adx/job/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-amzn-dataexchange-data-set-id: <data-set-id>' \
--header 'x-amzn-dataexchange-revision-id: <revision-id>' \
--header 'x-amzn-dataexchange-asset-id: <asset-id>' \
--header 'x-amzn-dataexchange-http-method: POST' \
--header 'x-api-key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-<client_id>' \
--data-raw '{
        "httpMethod": "POST",
        "input_s3": "<Input S3 bucket>",
        "file_format": "csv",
        "file_pattern": "<Regex pattern for input files>",
        "workflow_type": "transcoding",
        "workflow_sub_type": "transcoding",
        "target_column": <Identifier column header>,
        "client_id": "<Client ID>",
        "client_secret": "<Client Secret>",
        "cross_region": “true”


Once you've received a successful response, make a poll job request to initiate the delivery of the output file to the output S3 bucket (for more information, see the "Initiate Output File Delivery" section below).

See below for an example of what a populated https curl call to initiate identity resolution might look like:

curl --location --request POST 'https://<data-exchange-url>/adxprod/adx/job/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "httpMethod": "POST",
    "input_s3": "s3://my-input-bucket-name",
    "file_format": "csv",
    "file_pattern": "transcoding_input_2.*[.]csv",
    "workflow_type": "transcoding",
    "workflow_sub_type": "transcoding",
    "target_column": "RAMPID",
    "client_id": "my-client-id",
    "client_secret": "my-client-secret",
    "cross_region": "true" 

Initiate Translation with an AWS CLI Call

See below for the format of an AWS CLI call:

aws dataexchange send-api-asset \
  --data-set-id <data-set-id> \
  --revision-id <revision-id> \
  --asset-id <asset-id> \
  --request-headers ‘x-api-key=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-<client_id>’ \
  --method POST \
  --path "/adx/job/start" \
  --body "{\"input_s3\": \"<Input S3 bucket>", \"file_format\": \"csv\", \"file_pattern\": \"<Regex pattern for input files>*[.]csv\", \"workflow_type\": \"transcoding\", \"workflow_sub_type\": \"transcoding\", \"target_column\": \"<Identifier column header>", \"client_id\": \"<Client ID>", \"client_secret\": \"<Client Secret>", \"cross_region\": \"true\" }"

See below for an example of what a populated AWS CLI call to initiate identity resolution might look like:

aws dataexchange send-api-asset \
  --data-set-id <data-set-id> \
  --revision-id <revision-id> \
  --asset-id <asset-id> \
  --method POST \
  --request-headers ‘x-api-key=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-<client_id>’ \
  --path "/adx/job/start" \
  --body "{\"input_s3\": \"s3://my-input-bucket-name\", \"file_format\": \"csv\", \"file_pattern\": \"transcoding_input_2.*[.]csv\", \"workflow_type\": \"transcoding\", \"workflow_sub_type\": \"transcoding\", \"target_column\": \"RAMPID\", \"client_id\": \"my-client-id\", \"client_secret\": \"my-client-secret\", \"cross_region\": \"true\" }"

Example Responses for Calls to Initiate Translation

The following is an example of a response for a successful job submission:

   "Job ID": "9863C6588358503285051D4F0BC83_AWS_US_EAST_1",
   "Status": "ADX Start job submitted"

In addition to the response for a successful job submission, you might get one of the following responses in the status parameter:

  • 'DONE': 'ADX Poll job started for delivering output results. Re-poll later for updated status'

  • 'DELIVERING': 'Upload to AWS S3 in progress. Re-poll later or wait for the delivery notification'


For information on troubleshooting errors that might occur when performing calls, see "Troubleshoot Calls in ADX".

Initiate Output File Delivery

Once you’ve initiated the translation process, you must make a poll job request to initiate the delivery of the output file to the output S3 bucket after processing is complete. This is done by making a call that follows the format of the example curl command shown below:


It is recommended that polling be done programmatically at recurring intervals until the processing is complete and the output file has been delivered.

Initiate Delivery with an Https Curl Call

See below for the format of an https curl call:

curl --location --request POST 
'https://<data-exchange-url>/adx/job/poll' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-amzn-dataexchange-data-set-id: <data-set-id>' \
--header 'x-amzn-dataexchange-revision-id: <revision-id>' \
--header 'x-amzn-dataexchange-asset-id: <asset-id>' \
--header 'x-amzn-dataexchange-http-method: POST' \
--header 'x-api-key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-<client_id>' \
--data-raw '{
        "httpMethod": "POST",
        "job_id": "<Job ID>",
        "output_s3": "<Output S3 bucket>",
        "file_format": "csv",
        "client_id": "<Client ID>",
        "client_secret": "<Client Secret>"

See below for an example of what a populated https curl call might look like:

curl --location --request POST 'https://<data-exchange-url>/adxprod/adx/job/poll' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-<client_id>' \
--data-raw '{
    "job_id": "JOB_ID_123",
    "output_s3": "s3://my-output-bucket-name",
    "file_format": "csv",
    "client_id": "my-client-id",
    "client_secret": "my-client-secret",

Initiate Delivery with an AWS CLI Call

See below for the format of an AWS CLI call:

aws dataexchange send-api-asset \             
 --data-set-id <data-set-id> \
 --revision-id <revision-id> \
 --asset-id <asset-id> \
 --method POST \
 --request-headers ‘x-api-key=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-<client_id>’ \
 --path "/adx/job/poll" \
 --body "{\"job_id\": \"<Job ID>", \"output_s3\": \"<Output S3 bucket", \"file_format\": \"csv\", \"client_id\": \"<Client ID\", \"client_secret\": \"<Client Secret", \"cross_region\": \"true\" }"

See below for an example of what a populated AWS CLI call might look like:

aws dataexchange send-api-asset \             
 --data-set-id <data-set-id> \
 --revision-id <revision-id> \
 --asset-id <asset-id> \
 --method POST \
 --request-headers ‘x-api-key=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-<client_id>’ \
 --path "/adx/job/poll" \
 --body "{\"job_id\": \"JOB_ID_123\", \"output_s3\": \"s3://<my-output-bucket-name>\", \"file_format\": \"csv\", \"client_id\": \"<my-client-id>\", \"client_secret\": \"<my-client-secret\", \"cross_region\": \"true\" }"

Example Responses for Calls to Initiate Delivery

The following is an example of a response when processing is complete:

   "Job ID": "9863C6588358503285051D4F0BC83_AWS_US_EAST_1",
   "Status": "Output results uploaded to AWS S3 bucket"

In addition to the response received when processing is complete, you might get one of the following responses in the status parameter:

  • 'DONE': 'ADX Poll job started for delivering output results. Re-poll later for updated status'

  • 'DELIVERING': 'Upload to AWS S3 in progress. Re-poll later or wait for the delivery notification'


For information on troubleshooting errors that might occur when performing calls, see "Troubleshoot Calls in ADX".

API Parameters

See the tables below for a list of the API header parameters and request parameters.

Authorization Parameters

Authorization Parameter

Data Type




IAM Access Key of the subscribed AWS account.



IAM Secret Key of the subscribed AWS account.

AWS Region


AWS region where the product was subscribed.

Service Name



Session Token


Session token of the subscribed AWS account

Header Parameters

Header Parameter

Data Type




Your AWS-provided Data set ID.



Your AWS-provided Revision ID.



Your AWS-provided Asset ID.



Your client_id appended to ‘XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-’.

For information on finding the AWS-provided parameters, see this AWS article.

Request Parameters

Request Parameter

Data Type




Either an existing LiveRamp client ID (if you already have Identity API credentials) or a new one provided by LiveRamp.



Password / secret for the LiveRamp client_ID (either an existing password / secret (if you already have Identity API credentials) or a new one provided by LiveRamp).



“transcoding” for all translation processes.



Sub type of workflow needed. Allowed values are “transcoding” for translation.



S3 directory for input files.



S3 directory for output files.



Specifies the format for input files. Accepted file format is CSV.



Regex pattern for input files.

For example, the pattern ‘input_2.*[.]csv’ would result in the processing of the following files:






The column header name for the input field which contains the RampIDs to be translated. Ex: “RAMPID”



“true” or “false”. If “true”, then workloads are processed in the default region (us-east-1) if the target region is unavailable. If “false”, then workloads are not processed in the default region if the target region is unavailable and a status message to enable cross region is returned to the caller.



For polling requests, enter the Job ID returned in the response for the call to initiate identity resolution. The Job ID consists of a unique ID plus your AWS region name.

Translation Output

The output file(s) from the translation process will be compressed and then written to the specified S3 bucket provided in the poll job request.

The file naming convention for the output files will be in the format "<JOB_ID>_0_0_0.csv.gz".

The Job ID will be a unique ID plus your AWS region name (such as "AWS_US_EAST_1"). The numbers after the Job ID do not carry any meaning.

Ex: 17697C67E98D4702BEB4ED7B3B0FA_AWS_US_EAST_1_0_0_0.csv.gz, 17697C67E98D4702BEB4ED7B3B0FA_AWS_US_EAST_1_1_0_0.csv.gz

Output File for Translation

The output file for device ID resolution will follow the format shown in the table below.




RampID (original encoding)


Returns the original RampID included in the input table.

Transcoded_identifier (RampIDs in target encoding)


Translated RampID or NULL (NULL due to unreadable native RampID or unauthorized domain, etc.).