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Authorize LiveRamp to Access Your GCS Bucket

If you have data stored in a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket, you can upload that data to LiveRamp by authorizing LiveRamp to retrieve the data in that bucket for processing.

Follow the instructions below to authorize LiveRamp to access your bucket (and any specific paths within the bucket), list the objects inside of it, and retrieve those objects.

  1. Grant “Storage Object Viewer” permission to LiveRamp:

    1. From the “Storage” section of the Google Cloud console menu, select “Storage” and then select “Browser”.

    2. Follow Google’s instructions for “Adding a member to a bucket-level policy” to add the service account “” as a bucket member with the “storage.objectViewer” role.

  2. Create a support case (see "Using the LiveRamp Community Portal" for instructions) and provide the information listed below:

  • The GCS bucket name

  • The file path (including any file pattern) you want us to retrieve files from

  • If needed, the earliest file date/time to retrieve (if you want us to only pull files modified after a particular date/time)