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Announcing Support for MVPD Consortiums for TV Audience Planning (7/18/19)

We’ve added functionality to enable MVPD partners (such as consortiums) to perform TV audience planning, all while ensuring that MVPDs retain control over the process.

Universe Sharing

MVPDs now have the ability to allow some or all of their universes to be used in their partners’ audience-building process in a privacy-safe manner. They can also set minimum audience-building thresholds at the segment and universe levels. Underlying subscriber data are never shared between partners.

MVPD consortiums now have the ability to create and distribute audiences built from the universes that have been shared with them, including the ability to build audiences from the universes of multiple MVPDs.


Improved Test and Control Groups: Because using multiple universes requires the use of a common identifier when splitting audiences into test and control groups, we have also now implemented splitting based on household RampID, rather than on MVPD Custom IDs (CIDs).

Reach Counts

Consortiums can also now see aggregate counts across multiple universes and unique household counts (if the MVPDs have enabled household counts) for audiences built from universes that have significant overlap on the Audiences page.


Want to see unique household counts? MVPD consortiums who want to be able to see unique household counts can contact their LiveRamp technical representative.

The audiences are distributed to the MVPDs’ platforms only after the MVPDs approve distribution.

Activity Dashboard

Through the new dashboard, MVPDs have visibility into the audiences built by their partners and must approve all audience distributions. In addition, MVPDs that build their own audiences for distribution can now build audiences from more than one of their universes. They can also choose to see unique household counts when building audiences from universes where there is significant overlap.