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Stop or Resume Future Deliveries of a Data Delivery Group

For data delivery groups with an ongoing refresh cadence, you can stop or resume future deliveries at any time.

Stop Future Deliveries of a Data Delivery Group

To stop the future deliveries of a data delivery group:

  1. From the navigation pane, select Destinations → Data Delivery Groups to navigate to the Data Delivery Groups page.

  2. Hover over the row for the data delivery group you want to stop future deliveries for and then click the More Options menu (three dots) that appears.

  3. Select "Stop Future Deliveries".


A success message appears.


Resume Future Deliveries of a Data Delivery Group

To resume the future deliveries of a data delivery group that you've previously stopped:


Once you resume future deliveries, the deliveries will occur at the refresh cadence for that data delivery group.

  1. From the navigation pane, select Destinations → Data Delivery Groups to navigate to the Data Delivery Groups page.

  2. Hover over the row for the data delivery group you want to resume future deliveries for and then click the More Options menu (three dots) that appears.

  3. Select "Resume Future Deliveries".


A success message appears confirming the delivery cadence for the data delivery group.
