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Activating Data from Mexico or Canada

Customers with first-party data on consumers in Mexico or Canada can activate that data with LiveRamp in Connect or Safe Haven.

Activating data on consumers in Mexico or Canada requires a separate contract and a separate account in Connect (or a separate primary tenant in Safe Haven) for each additional country.

The process to activate data varies depending on the country those consumers are located in:

  • For data on consumers in Mexico, follow the guidelines in the "Supported Identifiers" section below and in "Formatting File Data" to format your file. Once the file is formatted, follow the instructions in "Getting Your Data Into LiveRamp" to upload your data.

  • For data on consumers in Canada, LiveRamp has an exclusive partnership with reseller Environics Analytics. All activation of data on consumers in Canada (as well as other use cases that utilize data on consumers in Canada) must be done through Environics Analytics. Contact your LiveRamp account representative for more information on getting started with Environics Analytics.

LiveRamp does not maintain an offline Identity Graph for PII from Mexico or Canada, so the best match rates will be achieved at destinations that support our Passthrough Activation integration (where we pass through your hashed email addresses) or at destinations that transact on RampIDs. For more information, see the "Recommended Destinations" section below.


  • Enhanced Matching for Google Customer Match is not available for data from Mexico or Canada.

  • Third-party Data Marketplace data is not available for activation in markets in Mexico or Canada. However, LiveRamp does support the licensing of data seller data in these markets. Contact your LiveRamp account representative for more information.

Supported Identifiers

You can include any of our normally-accepted identifiers in your data files, but we will only match on the following identifiers:

  • Email addresses: plaintext or hashed


    For distribution to our Passthrough Activation destinations (such as GCM and Facebook), you must include SHA-256 hashed email addresses.

  • Name and Postal (NAP): plaintext

  • RampIDs

  • Mobile device IDs (MAIDs): plaintext or SHA-1 hashed

  • Cookies