Download a Destination Taxonomy
To see a mapping of segment IDs to fields and values for the segments that are being actively distributed to a specific destination account, download a destination taxonomy. This taxonomy is a .csv file that includes key information for each segment, depending on whether the segment is a first-party segment or a Data Marketplace segment.
This mapping can help when you are troubleshooting a distribution to a destination account.
Download Taxonomy button grayed out? This feature is only available for destinations accounts that include either only first-party segments or only Data Marketplace segments, as the taxonomies are different for each data type.
For information only: Do not send this human-readable taxonomy to a destination partner, as this is not what LiveRamp sends directly to the destination partner and sending this is against our data ethics policies. If the destination partner asks for a taxonomy, have the destination partner contact their LiveRamp representative.
Taxonomies for first-party segments include segment ID, field name, and value name for each actively distributing segment.
Taxonomies for Data Marketplace segments (sometimes referred to as DMS, or data monetization service, segments) include segment ID (“DMS ID”), segment name (“DMS Name”), and price (“DMS Price”) for each actively distributing segment.
Not seeing a price? A Data Marketplace segment might not have a price associated with it if the data seller has not added one yet or if the segment was meant to be sent to a destination where pricing is based on CPM.
To download a destination taxonomy:
From the navigation menu, select Data Out → Destination Accounts to navigate to the Destination Accounts page and then click MANAGE on the desired destination account tile to navigate to the Segment Distribution page for that destination account.
By default, the list of destination accounts is initially filtered to show only active destination accounts. To access a destination account that is not active, adjust the filter setting.
From the “More” drop-down list in the upper right of the screen, select “Download Taxonomy”.
Once the download is complete, open the file to view it.