Understanding the Connect UI Pages
The navigation pane on the left side of the screen contains the navigation menu area that allows you to access Connect's UI pages and the quick-action menu:

For many tables in Connect UI pages, you can change columns that are displayed, sort by a specific column, or change the column order. For more information, see "Changing the Table Display".
The Welcome Page
You can think of the Welcome page as your application home page, where you can utilize the quick-action menu and tiles, and see an overview of your notifications:

The Dashboard
Your dashboard is where you can see aggregate stats for each of your audiences, including the date the audience was last updated, the number of unique records, the number of active records, and the number of record or device matches by destination.

You can use audience stats to keep tabs on your current LiveRamp audience usage. Because audience usage often corresponds closely with your monthly LiveRamp bill, keeping your team up-to-date on audience stats can help your company stay on top of LiveRamp billing.
You can also use audience stats to help you keep within product limits if you’ve signed a usage contract with LiveRamp that prevents you from exceeding a certain number of records in a given month. So, you might check your current number of unique records in an audience before uploading new files.
These stats are displayed on the Dashboard and the Audiences tab of the Company Settings page. Audience stats typically take 1-3 days to initially populate after uploading the first file for that audience and 1-3 days to update after uploading a subsequent file.
To view audience stats in your dashboard:
From the navigation menu, click Dashboard to navigate to the Dashboard page.
Select the desired audience from the Audience drop-down list in the upper left.
For more info, see "View Audience Stats in Your Dashboard".
The Upload File Page
Files 500 MB and smaller can be uploaded via Connect on the Upload File page.

Files larger than 500MB and files for Measurement Enablement workflows cannot be uploaded through Connect. See "Getting Your Data Into LiveRamp" for more information on other methods for these types of files.
If the audience you're uploading to has more than one auto import configuration ("AIC"), uploading via Connect might result in your file not being associated with the correct audience. In this situation, uploading via one of our other methods is recommended. If you do upload a file via Connect to an audience that has more than one AIC, you might need to create a support case to have the file associated with the correct AIC and audience.
From the navigation menu, select Data In → Upload File to navigate to the Upload Files page.

For instructions on uploading files via Connect, see "Upload a File via Connect".
The Files Page
You can view information on the files you've uploaded, including information on ingestion status, by checking the Files page.

From the navigation menu, select Data In → Files to navigate to the Files page.

If needed, use the Audience dropdown to change the audience that's displayed.
The Files page varies depending on whether the audience selected is an Activation workflow audience or a Measurement Enablement workflow audience. For complete information on using the Files page, see "The Files Page".
You can download a CSV file with file info on all of the files for the selected audience by clicking Download File Info".
. For more information, see "You can also cancel the ingestion for a particular file that is in the process of transferring or processing by clicking the ellipsis that appears when you hover over that file's row and then selecting Cancel Import. For more information, see "Cancel a File Import".
The Audiences Page
You can view a list of your Activation workflow audiences, along with key audience metrics, on the Audiences tab of the My Company Settings page.

The Audiences table only displays Activation workflow audiences. It does not display Measurement Enablement workflow audiences.
From the navigation menu, select Data Management → Audiences to navigate to the Audiences tab of the Company Settings page.

If you're an admin user, you can also create a new audience or delete an existing audience from this tab.
Click on an audience name to go to the Audience Segments page for that audience, where you can view additional stats, create derived segments, or organize your segments with labels.
For more information, see "View Your Audiences".
The Audience Segments Page
You can view all of the fields and segments within a particular LiveRamp audience on the Audience Segments page for that audience.

From Data Management in the navigation menu, open the Audiences dropdown, and then select the desired audience to navigate to the Audience Segments page for that audience.

You can perform the following actions from the Audience Segments page:
Use labels to organize and distribute your Fields and Segments
Delete a field or derived segment (if you're an admin-level user)
The My Lookalike Models Page
If you're a Customer Profiles customer, the My Lookalike Models page displays all the lookalike models that have been created in your account.
Customer Profiles is not accepting any new customers.

To access the My Lookalike Models page, select Data Management → Lookalike Models in the navigation menu.

For more information on this page and the actions you can perform, see "The My Lookalike Models Page".
The My Segments Page
If you're a Customer Profiles customer, the My Segments page displays all of your Customer Profiles segments.

To access the My Segments page, select Data Management → Segments in the navigation menu.

For more information on this page and the actions you can perform, see "The My Segments Page".
The Segment Distribution Page
A destination is a LiveRamp partner that can receive your data from LiveRamp. Data are distributed to these destinations by means of destination accounts. A destination account is a set of configurations that allow you to distribute data to a particular seat at a destination.
Once you've activated a destination account for a destination, you can distribute segments through that destination account on the Segments Distribution page for that destination account (for instructions, see"Distribute Data to a Destination").

For Data Marketplace destination accounts, the page will be called "Data Marketplace Segments Distribution".
From Data Out in the navigation menu, open the Destination Accounts dropdown, and then select the desired destination account to navigate to the Segment Distribution page for that destination account.

In addition to distributing segments, you can also perform the following actions:
Download a destination taxonomy to see a mapping of segment IDs to fields and values for the segments that are being actively distributed through that destination account
View the delivery job status for the actively distributing segments
Resend all active segments (if this has been enabled for your account)
The Destination Accounts Page
You can view your destination accounts and their status on the Destination Accounts page:

From the navigation menu, select Data Out → Destination Accounts to navigate to the Destination Accounts page.

For more information, see "View Destination Accounts".
You can also perform the following actions:
Reactivate an existing destination account that you previously made inactive or that has expired
The Company Settings Page
The Company Settings page contains tabs that give you access to additional pages (depending on what has been enabled for your account):

USERS: The USERS page displays information on the users who have access to your Connect account. From this tab, you can change a user's access level and delete a user.
CONNECTIONS: The CONNECTIONS page displays information on the OAuth connections that have been created in your account. For information on creating, reauthenticating, and deleting OAuth connections, see "Managing OAuth Connections".
USAGE REPORT: The USAGE REPORT page displays information about your LiveRamp usage for the current month and past months. For more information, see "Viewing Usage".
SCHEDULED REPORTS: The SCHEDULED REPORTS page displays all of the usage report deliveries that have been scheduled, and allows you to create, edit, and delete scheduled reports. For more information, see "Schedule Usage Report Deliveries".
AUDIENCES: The AUDIENCES page allows you to view a list of your Activation workflow audiences, along with key audience metrics. From this page, you can also create a new audience.
You can also access the AUDIENCES page more directly by selecting Administration → Company Settings in the navigation menu.
CLIENTS: If you're a reseller or agency with Connect clients, you can view those clients and key information on the CLIENTS page.
HISTORY: The HISTORY page displays information on user activity in your account.
PROFILE: The PROFILE page allows you to view and edit the profile for the Connect account.
From the navigation menu, select Administration → Company Settings to navigate to the Company Settings page.

The Data Marketplace - My Segments Page
If you're a data seller in the Data Marketplace, you can use the Data Marketplace - My Segments page to view and manage your segments, including enabling them in the Data Marketplace and several other actions (My Segments tab shown below).

From the navigation menu, select Marketplace → Sell Data to navigate to the Data Marketplace - My Segments page, or click the Sell Data tile from the Welcome page.

The page has three tabs in the upper right:
My Segments: This tab displays the segments table and allows you to perform a number of actions (this is the default view when you first open the page)
Distribution Status: This tab displays a table that shows your Data Marketplace segments that have been requested
Batch Upload: This tab allows you to upload an updated segment metadata file
The My Segments Tab
The My Segments tab displays a table showing all of your segments, sorted by the name of the audience the segments are in. You can use the search bar and the filters to adjust the list of segments that are displayed.
A number of columns are hidden by default, such as FIELD ID, VALUE ID, and DATA MARKETPLACE SEGMENT ID, as well as some reach columns. To display these columns adjust the table display by clicking on the gear icon. For more information, see "Changing the Table Display".
You can also perform the following actions from this tab:
Enable an individual segment in the Data Marketplace
Download the Data Marketplace reference sheet, which contains a list of the platforms that can receive custom segments and their IDs, as well as a list of advertisers that can be blocked from accessing Data Marketplace segments
The Distribution Status Tab
Data sellers can view the status of Data Marketplace segments that data buyers have requested and/or distributed on the Data Marketplace - Distribution Status page. You can use this view to see which data buyers are buying your segments, which segments are performing well, and which segments have been requested but not yet distributed.

You can use the search bar and the filters to adjust the list of segments that are displayed. You can also set a start date and end date to filter by initial distribution date.
In addition to viewing the segments, you can also download an Excel file showing all displayed segments.
The Batch Upload Tab
The Batch Upload tab allows you to upload a Data Marketplace segment metadata file to provide additional information on the segments you'd like to sell (such as segment name, permitted use cases, and price) to enable them as Data Marketplace segments.

Before uploading a file, download a segment metadata file for the segments you want to provide information on and then update the file to provide the additional information. For instructions on updating the file, see "Update a Data Marketplace Segment Metadata File".
Once you've updated the file, drop and drag the file into the upload box, or click Choose a File to Upload and navigate to the file you wish to upload. For complete instructions, see "Upload a Data Marketplace Segment Metadata File".
The Data Marketplace Storefront Page
The Storefront for Data Marketplace Buyers provides information on the unique offerings of both data sellers and service providers within the LiveRamp Data Marketplace. It provides greater transparency and insight into the various data products on the market to help data buyers make informed decisions.
From the navigation menu, select Marketplace → Storefront to navigate to the Data Marketplace Storefront.

Alternatively, you can click the Explore Data Marketplace tile from the Welcome page.
The Data Marketplace Segments Page
If you're a data buyer you can use the Data Marketplace Segments page to buy ("request") Data Marketplace segments for your account.

To access the Data Marketplace Segments page, click
from the Marketplace navigation menu.From the navigation menu, select Marketplace → Buy Data to navigate to the Data Marketplace Segments page, or click the Buy Data tile from the Welcome page.

For complete instructions on using this page to buy data, see "Buying Segment Data from the Data Marketplace".