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Troubleshoot Distributions to Destination Accounts

Because each destination platform takes some time to ingest the data that we deliver to them, you should give the destination at least 3 days to have your data ready for use on their platform after delivery.


It typically takes another 1-3 days after the data appears in the destination platform for stats to calculate and populate within Connect. You can view the delivery status in Connect.

If at least 3 days have passed and your data is not available at the destination platform, perform the following steps before creating a support case:

  1. If your distribution is in one of the following categories, perform the appropriate troubleshooting steps:

    • Distributions through the Facebook Direct integration: Make sure the steps to add LiveRamp as a partner in Facebook with "Manage campaigns" access have been performed for that Ad Account ID. If these steps haven't been done, any distributions to Facebook Direct destination accounts that use that Ad Account ID will fail. For instructions, see "Add LiveRamp as a Partner in Facebook".

    • First-party distributions to Google: Confirm that you’ve granted LiveRamp access to deliver data to the appropriate Google account and that your Google account ID listed in the destination account is correct. Once those have been connected, you can try resending the active segments or wait until the next delivery. For more information, see "Providing Access to LiveRamp".

    • Data Marketplace distributions to The Trade Desk: Confirm that all segments with a programmatic standard CPM of less than $5 have the required programmatic hybrid prices. If a segment doesn't have the required pricing information, the delivery job will remain in "Queued" status. If a delivery job is in the "Queued" status for more than 24 hours and you suspect this is due to pricing issues, create a support case following these instructions to have the pricing fields corrected. See "Distribute Data Marketplace Data to The Trade Desk" for more information.

    • Distributions to destinations that require OAuth authorization: If your login credentials at the platform change (such as your email address changes), you will need to reauthenticate your connection with your new credentials. See "Reauthenticate an OAuth Connection" for more information.

      Occasionally a previous OAuth authorization might become unauthorized (either due to actions on the destination platform end or due to someone unintentionally unauthorizing LiveRamp), which will cause the delivery job to fail. Perform the authorization again and then create a support case to resend the data. For information on the steps to take to perform authorization, see "Activate a Destination Account for OAuth Destinations."

    • Distributions to platforms that require LiveRamp action: For certain destination platforms, there is an additional step that LiveRamp needs to do to complete the activation of the destination account before segments can be distributed (for a list of platforms, see "Destination Platforms that Require LiveRamp Action"). Until the activation has been finalized, any segments added to distribution will remain in a "Queued" status. If the activation hasn't been finalized already, create a support case (see "Using the LiveRamp Community Portal" for instructions).

    • Distributions to rate-limited platforms: Certain destination platforms get large influxes of data and so at times are impacted by rate limits that can cause the delivery to exceed our typical 12-72 hour processing time (for a list of these platforms, see “Rate-Limited Destination Platforms”). We automatically retry delivery each day, but performing the troubleshooting steps below can still be helpful. However, if you need the priority increased on the delivery, create a support case (see "Using the LiveRamp Community Portal" for instructions).

  2. Check the destination account and the distribution for the following issues:

    • Check that the destination account is still active by following the instructions in "Edit or View Destination Account Settings". If the destination account is inactive, set it to "active" and revise the end date (if necessary).

    • Check that any account IDs are correct.

    • Check that all distributed segments have counts (segments with no records, including derived segments, cannot be distributed) by checking those segments on the appropriate Audience Segments page (from the navigation menu, hover over Audiences and then select the audience the segment is located in).

    • Check that any recently uploaded file that contains distributing segments has completed ingestion processing (the ingestion status should show “Ingested”) by viewing that file on the Files page (from the navigation menu, click Files). If the file has not completed processing and it's been more than 72 hours, create a support case.

    • Check that you haven't exceeded the recommended destination account limits (typically no more than 1,000 segments distributing and no more than 500 segments added for distribution to the destination account per hour, with lower limits for Pinterest).

    • Check that you're not trying to distribute a raw field to a destination platform that cannot accept raw fields (for more information, see "Platforms that Do Not Accept Raw Fields").

  3. Resend the active segments (if you've had LiveRamp enable the ability for you to resend all active segments from the Connect UI) and then allow 3 days to see if that solves the problem. See "Resend Active Segments" for more information.

  4. Share the delivery information with the platform (for information on viewing delivery information, see “View Delivery Job Status for a Destination Account”). We recommend sharing the following with the platform:

    • For batch file deliveries, provide the platform with the file name(s) associated with the job.

    • For streaming (API) deliveries, provide the platform with the timestamp of when the job was delivered.

    In cases where the platform needs to see the segment IDs, you can download the taxonomy to get those segment IDs.


    In most cases, the company that distributed the data will need to troubleshoot the delivery with LiveRamp.

If you've performed these steps and the platform still doesn’t see the delivery, use the Troubleshoot Segment Distribution quick case to create a support case that includes the following information:

  • The destination account name

  • The name of the destination platform the segments are being sent to (the end platform name, such as "Google Customer Match")

  • The segment name or names (attach a list if multiple segments)

  • A description of the issue

  • The job number for the delivery (see “View Delivery Status” for more information on finding the delivery job number)