Authorize a Destination Account Using OAuth
Some of our destinations (listed below) require that an authorization using OAuth be performed before any distributions can be made to that destination and before the destination account is permissioned to a partner. This authorization is done after the destination account has been set up in your account by LiveRamp.
Distributions cannot be delivered to the destination until the authorization has been successfully performed by a user with the appropriate permission level at the destination platform.
Users who are assigned the LSH Admin or LSH CP Admin persona can access the Destinations page and click for destinations that require OAuth authorization.
Check before you authorize: Make sure you have the appropriate permission level at the destination to perform the authorization. Users without the appropriate permission level can sometimes seem to complete the authorization, but the destination account will not be truly authorized until a user with the appropriate permission level performs the authorization.
Turn off dialog blockers: If you have any type of dialog blocker enabled, disable it before attempting to perform the authorization.
Distribution problems: Occasionally a previous OAuth authorization might become unauthorized (either due to actions on the destination platform end or due to someone inadvertently unauthorizing LiveRamp). Perform the authorization again to see if that solves the distribution issue.
Destinations That Require Authorization Using OAuth
Currently, the following destinations require authorization using OAuth before any data can be distributed to the destination:
Microsoft (Bing)
Users who are assigned the LSH Admin or LSH CP Admin persona can access the Destinations page and click for destinations that require OAuth authorization.
In the left navigation bar, click Destinations.
Click Authorize on the destination account tile that needs to be authorized.
From the dialog that opens for that destination, follow the instructions to perform the authorization. See the appropriate section below for authorization information for specific platforms.
When the dialog closes, you will be returned to the Destinations page and the
button will no longer appear on the destination account tile.Perform OAuth Authorization for Bing
Permission level required: Super Admin or Standard User
Prerequisites: Bing requires that your Microsoft ads accounts be configured to allow users to consent to apps before OAuth authorization can be completed. To enable this setting, a user with either a Global Administrator or Privileged Administrator role will need to follow these instructions and select the "Allow user consent for apps" option (the third selection in the image below). If you have any issues, contact your Bing representative.
LiveRamp is not able to provide workarounds for these settings. Contact Microsoft to troubleshoot the Azure Admin requirements.
Required Account Type: The user completing OAuth must have a “personal” account within the Microsoft Ads account, not a “work” account.
OAuth expiration: None
Required destination account fields: Customer ID
Once the Microsoft login dialog appears, enter your credentials and then click
.Complete the Multi-Factor Authentication process.
From the Authorize app dialog, review the access granted and click
When the dialog closes, you will be returned to the Destinations page and the
button will no longer appear on the destination account tile.Troubleshooting Bing OAuth Issues
If you're having issues with your Bing OAuth connection, try these troubleshooting steps:
Confirm that you have “Super Admin” or “Standard User” permission levels on your account.
Confirm that the Microsoft Ads account is configured to allow users to consent to apps. To enable this setting, a user with either “Global Administrator” or “Privileged Administrator” will need to follow these instructions and select the "Allow user consent for apps" option (the third selection). For further assistance, reach out to your Bing rep.
Once confirmed, create a new OAuth connection and use that connection to validate the destination account.
If multiple unused Bing OAuth connections exist, remove them, create a new connection, and use that connection to validate the destination.
If the above steps do not resolve the issue, create a support case.
Perform OAuth Authorization for LinkedIn
Account type required: The LinkedIn account needs to be a campaign manager account and must correspond to the account ID entered on the destination account.
OAuth expiration: OAuth credentials at LinkedIn expire 1 year after authorization. After 1 year (or if you notice your distributions are not going through), perform OAuth authorization at LinkedIn again.
Required destination account fields:
Accountid: The 9 digit LinkedIn account ID. This ID can be found in the URL when logging into Campaign Manager (after "/accounts/"). Contact your LinkedIn account representative if unsure of which value to use here.
Steps to perform OAuth for LinkedIn:
Once the LinkedIn login dialog appears, enter your credentials and then click Sign in.
When the dialog closes, you will be returned to the Destinations page and the Authorize button will no longer appear on the destination account tile.
Perform OAuth Authorization for Pinterest
Permission level required: Admin or Audience level
OAuth expiration: OAuth credentials at Pinterest expire 1 year after authorization. After 1 year (or if you notice your distributions are not going through), perform OAuth authorization at Pinterest again.
Required destination account fields:
Advertiser ID: Your Pinterest-provided advertiser account ID. Should be numeric.
Steps to perform OAuth for Pinterest:
After the Pinterest login dialog appears, enter your credentials and then click
.From the Authorize app dialog, click
When the dialog closes, you will be returned to the Destinations page and the Authorize button will no longer appear on the destination account tile.
Perform OAuth Authorization for Snapchat
Snapchat account requirements: The account must be a Business Ad Account with Snapchat.
Permission level required: The Snapchat user must either be an Organizational Admin, or a user with Campaign Manager or Data Manager permissions.
Required destination account fields:
Client: The name of your company or account at Snapchat. Contact your Snapchat account representative if unsure of which value to use here. Do not include whitespace or other special characters (e.g., use "CompanyName" or "Account_Name").
Snapchat Ad Acct ID: The Ad Account ID issued to you by Snapchat. Contact your Snapchat representative for more information.
Steps to perform OAuth for Snapchat:
After the Snapchat login dialog appears, enter your credentials and then click Log in.
From the dialog that appears, click Continue to grant access.
From the dialog that appears, click Continue to return to the destination account screen, where you should see the blue success banner at the top of the screen.
When the dialog closes, you will be returned to the Destinations page and the Authorize button will no longer appear on the destination account tile.
If you receive an authorization error, confirm that the account is a Business Ad Account and that the user performing the authorization has the appropriate permission level.
More info on Snapchat User Roles and Permissions can be found here.
Perform OAuth Authorization for TikTok
Permission level required: The TikTok account needs to have either the "Ad Account Operator" or "Ad Account Admin" permission level.
Steps to perform OAuth for TikTok
After the TikTok for Business login dialog appears, enter your credentials and then click Log in.
From the dialog that appears, click Confirm.
Do not uncheck any of the check boxes.
When the dialog closes, you will be returned to the Destinations page and the Authorize button will no longer appear on the destination account tile.
Perform OAuth Authorization for Twitter
OAuth expiration: None
Required destination account fields:
Account ID: Alphanumeric string of characters that indicate the ads account ID that the segments will be sent to.
Ttl In Days: Number of days that users added to a segment will be active in the segment. The default value is 180 days. This can be changed after the DA is created.
Steps to perform OAuth for Twitter:
After the Twitter authorization dialog appears, enter your Twitter credentials and then click Sign In.
You’ll briefly see a redirect dialog.
When the dialog closes, you will be returned to the Destinations page and the Authorize button will no longer appear on the destination account tile.