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The active profile in your account determines which visualizations are displayed for a particular audience when you select the Insights tab on the Audience Builder page. These visualizations compare the audience you're building with a "base" audience, which can be an existing audience in your Safe Haven account or your entire account identity space.

When you create a visualization, you select the chart type (pie, bar, line, or funnel, depending on the selected visualization type) and the segment values to compare.

Two overall types of visualizations can be created in a profile:

  • Audience visualizations compare the selected segment values in the built audience to those values in other specific audience data in your account (the "base" audience). This can be either data you own or partner data that has been permissioned to you with the "Build Insights for audiences built using this data" use case.

  • Demographic visualizations compare the selected segment values in the built audience to those values in your entire Safe Haven account identity space. So for demographic insights, the "base" audience is your account identity space.

See "View Audience Insights" for information on the types of visualizations that can be created.

All of the profiles in your account are listed on the Profiling page, where you can manage those profiles and select which profile should be the active profile for your account.