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Managing Data

The data in your Connect account can be viewed and managed in a number of ways:

  • Audiences: In Connect, audiences are the containers that hold your files and segment data. You might have multiple audiences because you want to organize your data in a way that aligns with your organization or your campaigns. Because each audience can only contain data tied to one identifier type (such as PII-based data or cookie-based data), you might also have multiple audiences if you have data tied to different identifier types. For more information, see "Audience". Audiences can be managed on the Audiences tab of the My Company Settings page.

  • Files: Files contain the data you've uploaded to your account, typically both the identifiers we use for matching and the segment data we use to create fields and segments in your account (for Activation workflows). Files are grouped by audience. Files can be managed on the Files page.

  • Segment data: The fields and segments that are created from the files in a particular audience in your account. Fields and segments can be used to create new segments, such as derived segments or combination segments (if you're a Customer Profiles customer). Field and segments (including derived segments and combination segments) can be distributed to destination platforms (for more information, see "Distributing Data"). Most segment data management is done from the Audience Segments page (from the navigation menu, hover over Audiences and then select the desired audience).

See the sections below for information on the various ways you can view and manage your data.