The Pinterest Conversions API Program for Online Conversions (Beta)
The Pinterest Conversions API Program is an easy-to-implement adapter to allow advertisers to pass ATS envelope data together with online conversion data to Pinterest. You can implement the Pinterest Conversions API as part of ATS.js through LiveRamp Console or directly with our API, to bypass the complexity of building a server-side integration.
About the Pinterest Conversions API Program
Pinterest CAPI enables advertisers to send conversions directly to Pinterest via a server-to-server connection. Conversions captured with the Pinterest API can then be used for retargeting in campaigns and can be reviewed in conversion reporting for improved conversion visibility.
Before you begin with implementation, you must have the following:
Pinterest account ID: You must have a Pinterest account ID (Pinterest Ad ID) to use the Conversions API. If you’ve already set up a Pinterest Ads Manager account for your website, we recommend that you use the same account ID for your browser and server events. See Pinterest's documentation on how to obtain an account ID.
Pinterest access token: To use the Conversions API, you need an access token. There are two ways of getting your access token: via Ads Manager (recommended) or using your own app. See Pinterest's documentation on how to obtain an access token.
If you haven't yet, make to sure to add the 'Conversions API for Pinterest' product from the Marketplace. To learn how to do this, see Add Products to Your Subscription.
We recommend implementing Pinterest tag on your website to increase match rates. To learn more, see Pinterest's article "Install the Pinterest Tag".
Set Up Pinterest Conversions API Integration in Console
Once you have completed all the requirements, you can start the process of integrating your ATS configuration with the Conversions API for Pinterest Console.
From the navigation pane, select ATS → Web.
Select a configuration you want to integrate with, or create a new configuration.
Select the Integration tab and click New.
Select Pinterest Conversions API.
Select your ATS implementation method.
Enter a Pinterest account ID and access token.
Select an Action Source for where the conversion events occur. The action source impacts what data are required to be sent to Pinterest on a given event.
To continue implementing Pinterest API for Conversions Adapter via ATS.js (ATS for Web) in Console, go to the following article: Implement Conversions API for Pinterest via ATS.js.
If you are implementing Pinterest API for Conversions Adapter via an HTTP POST call, Click Save. See our developers documentation to learn how to create the request.