Setting Up Your Safe Haven Environment
Your LiveRamp implementation manager will work closely with you to configure and set up your Safe Haven environment. This involves ingesting your initial datasets, setting up your initial list of users, and enabling your initial list of desired destinations.
See the sections below for more about what will be needed to set up your environment.
If you already have an established connection with LiveRamp (such as with an S3 bucket, a GCP bucket, or an SFTP account), you might decide to use that existing connection.
If you do not already have an established connection, we'll help you determine which connection type is best suited for your account:
Non-U.S. accounts will need to transfer data via an AWS S3 bucket. Your LiveRamp Implementation manager will work with you to set up the bucket.
Via the LiveRamp SFTP
Via your SFTP
Via an AWS S3 bucket
Via a GCP bucket
See "Getting Your Data Into LiveRamp".
If you have audience data in LiveRamp Connect, you can also send that data from Connect into Safe Haven. See "Distributing Data from LiveRamp Connect."
If you'll be using the LiveRamp SFTP to transfer your data, you'll need to allowlist the LiveRamp SFTP IP address (
Once you've done that, we'll have you send a test file to "" to confirm a working connection.
Your Implementation manager will need information on all of the data sources you intend to transfer into your Safe Haven environment (whether Customer Profiles for Data Collaboration or the Analytics Environment).
For each data source, we'll need the types of information listed below:
Description: A brief description of the file (such as "Customer List with Interest Indicators and Subscriber Level").
Data Type: The type of data being sent (such as "CRM", "Transaction", "Exposure", "Online", and "Third-Party").
Exposure Data Sources: Info on any demand-side platforms (DSPs) that will be sending exposure data, including the DSP name, transfer method, and DSP contact information.
Third-Party Data Sellers: Info on any third-party data sellers who will be providing data, including name, transfer method, and contact info.
Layout/Schema: The layout of the file, showing the column headers and delimiters that will be used. We use this information to automate the data transfers.
Format/Row Count: File information, including delimiter, compression, and typical row count (for example, "1 record per line, pipe delimiter-separated values, gzipped files, 62,983,524 rows +/- 2% for each file").
Dataset Refresh: The desired dataset refresh option to use for this data source:
Full: Any new data will completely replace all of the data that came before it.
Incremental: Any new data will be appended to the previous dataset and the dataset size will increase over time unless data expiration is specified.
Size/Frequency: The typical size and frequency of the file being loaded (for example, "130 GB / month").
Dataset Filename: The name of the incoming file that will be used to automate the data transfer (for example, "clientname_crm_customer_list_mmddyyyy.dat.pgp").
Control Filename: The name of the control file, which is sent to confirm file transfer is complete (for example, "clientname_crm_customer_list_mmddyyyy.ctl").
Control File Layout: The content of control files confirming row count and file size used for validation (for example, "filename | rowcount| filesize"). Can be in XML Format.
Your implementation manager will work with you to create a data dictionary that describes the dataset in your Safe Haven environment so that your users can determine what data are available for measurement, reporting, building audiences for activation, and for audience insights. You can use a spreadsheet application to create your data dictionary.
The key elements to capture are segment (field) names, descriptions, valid values, and where the segment resides, such as Customer Profiles (CP) or Analytics Environment (AE). Other elements you might want to provide in your data dictionary include a category, sub-category, and the source of the data.
Example data dictionary:
ID | Category | Sub-Category | Segment Name | Source | Description | Values | Location |
1 | Household | Age | Adult 18Plus | First-party | Presence of Adults 18+ in Household | Y Blank | CP |
2 | Household | Age | Female 18Plus | First-party | Presence of Females 18+ in Household | Y Blank | CP |
3 | Household | Age | Individual_Age | First-party | Individual Age | 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75Plus | CP, AE |
4 | Interest | Food | Cooking | Third-party | Interest in Cooking | Y Blank | CP, AE |
5 | Interest | Activities | Running | Third-party | Active in Running | Y Blank | CP, AE |
6 | Finance | Income | HH Income | Third-party | Household Income | 0-34,999 35,000-54,999 55,000-74,000 75,000-99,999 100,000-124,999 125,000-174,999 175,000Plus | CP, AE |
7 | Finance | Investments | HH Investment | Third-party | Household Investments | 0-74,999 75,000-149,999 150,000-224,999 225,000-299,999 300,000-374,999 375,000-449,999 450,000-524,999 525,000-599,999 600,000Plus | CP, AE |
8 | In Market | Cars | InMarket Car | Third-party | In-Market for New/Used Car within 6 months | Y Blank | CP, AE |
9 | In Market | Trucks | InMarket Truck | Third-party | In-Market for New/Used Truck within 6 months | Y Blank | CP, AE |
Provide the name, email address, and one of the following LiveRamp Safe Haven (LSH) personas for an initial set of users who will need access to Safe Haven during the implementation phase:
Persona | Description | Applications |
LSH Campaign Planner | Creates new audiences and activates data across segments |
LSH Data Analyst | Creates reports and gathers insights from permissioned data | Analytics Environment |
LSH Data Scientist | Builds sophisticated models and advanced analytics | Analytics Environment |
Tenant Admin | Manages users and access to applications for a partner organization | Admin Center with only user management capabilities |
Primary Tenant Admin | Manages users, partner tenants, access to applications, and grants data permissions to partners | Admin Center with user, primary tenant, and partner tenant management capabilities |
LiveRamp will grant each user the maximum possible permissions for the specified role. For a detailed breakdown of the available roles, see "Safe Haven User Personas." If you want to adjust your users' personas, contact your Tenant Admin or Primary Tenant Admin. Alternatively, create a Customer Profiles case in the LiveRamp Community portal.
Specify which phases each user should have access for:
Implementation only
Both implementation and post-implementation
Provide a list of destinations for Safe Haven audience distribution (see "Supported Destinations for Safe Haven"). Make sure that LiveRamp has permission to send audience segments to your account at each destination.
Some of the information we typically require includes the following:
Platform name to be displayed on the destination tile
A corresponding logo in JPG or PNG format and ≤ 300 KB
The account or advertiser ID
An encryption or authorization key
If you're unsure of the information needed for a destination, create a Customer Profiles case in the LiveRamp Community portal.