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The Download Activity Reports Page

If you have the LSH Admin or CP Admin persona, you can use the Download Activity Reports page to download several types of reports:

  • Audience Activity Report: Contains information on all actions that have been performed on the audiences and taxonomy segments in your account.

  • Data Activity Report: Contains information on all actions taken by your partners that involved data you've permissioned to them.

  • Permissions Activity Report: Contains information on all permission activity that has taken place in your account, such as when a permission was created, edited, or revoked.

  • User Activity Report: Contains information on actions performed by all users in your account

  • Distribution Activity Report: Contains information on all distribution-related actions performed by all users in your account

When you click the Download button for a report, you will receive an email message that includes a link to download the report once the report is processed. If you don't receive a message, create a Safe Haven case in the LiveRamp Community portal.

To access the Download Activity Reports page:

In the left navigation bar, click Activity Reports.


See "Downloading an Activity Report."