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Downloading an Activity Report

If you have the LSH Admin or CP Admin persona, you can download several types of reports from the Download Activity Reports page:

  • Audience Activity Report: Contains information on all actions that have been performed on the audiences and taxonomy segments in your account.

  • Data Activity Report: Contains information on all actions taken by your partners that involved data you've permissioned to them.

  • Permissions Activity Report: Contains information on all permission activity that has taken place in your account, such as when a permission was created, edited, or revoked.

  • User Activity Report: Contains information on actions performed by all users in your account

  • Distribution Activity Report: Contains information on all distribution-related actions performed by all users in your account


For information on permissions, see "Creating a Permission for Data".

When you click the Download button for a report, you will receive an email message that includes a link to download the report once the report is processed. If you don't receive a message, create a Safe Haven case in the LiveRamp Community portal.

Each report is downloaded as an Excel (XLSX) file. The file name for each report includes the report name and the date and time you download the report (for example, Permissioned_Data_Activity_Report_2022/11/20-14:22:07.xlsx). The rows in each report are in reverse chronological order (with the most recently updated rows at the top).

All dates and times used in file names, and in the rows of each report, are given in UTC.

The report downloads include all activity for that category, and cannot be filtered or sorted prior to downloading. Reports can be filtered or sorted in Excel once downloaded.

Rows are never removed from reports for any reason. For example, if an audience is created but then later deleted, the row for that audience creation will continue to be present in the appropriate activity report.

The Audience Activity Report contains information on all actions that have been performed on the audiences and taxonomy segments in your account, including:


The Audience Activity Report contains the following columns:

  • Timestamp: The date and time of the action, displayed in the format "YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS"

  • Audience/Segment ID: The ID of the audience or taxonomy segment

  • Audience/Segment Name: For audiences, the name of the audience. For taxonomy segments, the full folder path of the taxonomy segment

  • Audience Logic: For entries that show an audience built, the Boolean logic used to create that audience

  • Apply Household: If your data model supports household-level IDs, this column indicates whether the Apply Household option is selected for the audience ("Yes" if it applies, empty if it doesn't)

  • Test & Control (Test Percentage): Lists the test percentage if one was specified for the audience. If no test percentage is specified for the audience, it is empty.

  • Action: One of the following types of action

    • Audience Built: A new audience has been created. The timestamp, audience logic, and number of identities shown will be from the most recent version of that audience (not from the time the audience was created).

    • Insights Configured: The segment values of an audience or taxonomy segment have been used to build an Insights profile chart (whether that particular profile is, or has ever been, set to be the "active" profile).

    • Distributed - <Destination Name> (<Destination ID>): An audience or taxonomy segment has been distributed to a particular destination. When the distribution was to the Analytics Environment, no destination ID will be included. This includes distributions that occur as a result of refreshed data.

    • Lookalike Model Created: A lookalike model has been created.

  • Identities: The number of identities in the most recent version of the audience or taxonomy segment

  • User Email: The email address of the user who performed the action. If the user has been deleted, this entry will show "User no longer active."

The Permissioned Data Activity Report contains information on all actions taken by your partners that involved data you've permissioned to them, including:


The Permissioned Data Activity Report contains the following columns:

  • Timestamp: The date and time of the action, displayed in the format "YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS"

  • Permission ID: The ID for the permission

  • Action: One of the following types of action

    • Audience Built: A new audience has been created. The timestamp, audience logic, and number of identities shown will be from the most recent version of that audience (not from the time the audience was created).

    • Insights Configured: The segment values of an audience or taxonomy segment have been used to build an Insights profile chart (whether that particular profile is, or has ever been, set to be the "active" profile).

    • Distributed - <Destination Name> (<Destination ID>): An audience or taxonomy segment has been distributed to a particular destination. When the distribution was to the Analytics Environment, no destination ID will be included. This includes distributions that occur as a result of refreshed data.

    • Lookalike Model Created: A lookalike model has been created.

  • Partner ID: The ID of the partner the data was permissioned to

  • Partner Name: The name of the partner the data was permissioned to

  • Audience ID/Taxonomy ID - Segment ID: For permissioned audiences, the audience ID. For permissioned taxonomies, the taxonomy ID and segment ID for the taxonomy segment that was used. For permissioned tables and views, this column will show "NA."

  • Audience/Segment Name: For audiences, the name of the audience. For taxonomy segments, the full folder path of the taxonomy segment

  • Identities: The number of identities in the most recent version of the audience or taxonomy segment

The Permissions Activity Report contains information on every permissions event in your account, including:



You can find a list of all your permissions on the Permissions page, where you can also view detailed information on each permission.


For information on the options available when creating a permission, see "Creating a Permission for Data."

The Permissions Activity Report report contains the following columns:

  • Timestamp: The date and time of the action, displayed in the format "YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS"

  • Permission ID: The ID for the permission

  • Action: One of the following actions for the listed permission: "Created", "Updated (Expired)", "Updated (Revoked)", "Updated (End Date)", or "Updated (Start Date)"

  • Partner ID: The ID of the partner the data was permissioned to

  • Partner Name: The name of the partner the data was permissioned to

  • Asset ID: For permissioned audiences, the audience ID. For permissioned taxonomies, the taxonomy ID. For permissioned tables and views, this column will show "NA."

  • Asset type: The type of data asset that was permissioned ("Audience", "Taxonomy", "Table", or "View")

  • Asset Name: The name of the data asset that was permissioned

  • Start-End Date: The start and end date and time for the permission displayed in the format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM-YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM". If the permission has no end date, the end date and time will read "No end date".

  • Permitted Use Cases: The use cases the data has been permissioned with

  • User Email: The email address of the user who performed the action. If the user has been deleted, this entry will show "User no longer active."


    For permissions that expired, this will be the email address of the user who originally created the permission.

The Distribution Activity Report contains information on all distribution-related activities in your account, including:

  • Details about the destinations

  • The segment name and size

  • The time of the distribution and its current status

Columns in the Distribution Activity Report

The Distribution Activity Report report contains the following columns:

  • Destination Account Display Name: The name of the destination account

  • Destination Category: The category, such as AE or Adhoc

  • Destination Type: Categories based on the types of data delivered to them, such as RampIDs, CIDs, cookies, or mobiledevice IDs

  • Destination Account ID: The unique ID of the destination account in LiveRamp Connect

  • Destination Account Connect Side Name: The name of the destination account in LiveRamp Connect

  • Segment Name: The full name of the segment

  • Audience/Segment ID: The segment ID

  • Destination Segment ID: The segment IDs at the destination platform

  • Segment Size: The size of the distributed segment

  • Distribution Time: The timestamps associated with distributions

  • Distribution Status: Indicates the following distribution statuses:

    • Distributing: Displays audiences that are still being distributed

    • Failed: Displays any audiences that failed to be distributed

    • Success: Displays audiences that have been distributed

    • Undistributed: Displays audiences that have not yet been distributed

  • Distribution Type: Indicates whether the distribution is a one-time or an always-on distribution

Procedure. To download and view an activity report:
  1. In the left navigation bar, click Activity Reports.

  2. Click Download for the desired report.

  3. After the XLSX file downloads, use a spreadsheet application such as Excel to open and view the file.


When you click Download for the Distribution Activity Report, you will receive an email message with a link to download the report.