Distribute Data To OneView

See the instructions below for distributing first-party data or Data Marketplace data to OneView.

To distribute first-party data to OneView, activate the “OneView Onboarding” destination account tile.



We used to have separate destination account tiles for cookie-based distributions and RampID-based distributions. Now there is only one OneView destination account tile for all first-party (Onboarding) distributions and identifier types.

Configure the Required Properties

When activating the destination account, use the following guidelines to configure the required properties:

  • End Date: Not needed, leave open ended

  • Account ID: The Account ID field should be your OneView advertiser UID. Click here for instructions on how to find your advertiser UID. If needed, confirm your Advertiser UID with your OneView representative.

  • Destination Account Name: Create the destination account name in the following format: “[Tile Name] - [Advertiser] - [Date of tile creation]” (for example, “Onboarding - Advertiser - 01_2020”).

To distribute Data Marketplace data to OneView, activate the “OneView Data Marketplace” destination account tile.



We used to have separate destination account tiles for cookie-based distributions and RampID-based distributions. Now there is only one destination account tile for all Data Marketplace distributions and identifier types.

Information for Data Providers

LiveRamp and Data Marketplace OneView have a unique integration. OneView's Account Managers are heavy users of the Buyer UI, and use it almost exclusively as their means of acquiring both syndicated and custom segments. This means that data providers should rarely if ever be setting up their own Data Marketplace distributions to OneView. Instead, data providers will be allowlisting their syndicated and custom segments for OneView and relying on OneView's team to access the data on their own.


For data providers who do need to distribute data directly to an advertiser using OneView: You will need to enter the advertiser ID when activating the OneView Data Marketplace destination account. Advise the advertiser to follow this link to find their advertiser ID on OneView's site.

Syndicated Segments:

OneView typically acquires data on a campaign-specific basis. Their account teams will browse the Data Marketplace UI to locate relevant segments for particular campaigns.


Following best practices for segment naming will be particularly helpful with OneView so your segments will appear properly in searches.

Custom Segments:

If a brand or agency customer requests a custom segment from you for a campaign on OneView, the custom segment should be created as normal.

Once the segment is ready, your customer should let their OneView support team know that the data is available in the LiveRamp Data Marketplace, and their support team will retrieve and activate your custom segment.

Configure the Required Properties

When activating the destination account, use the following guidelines to configure the required properties:

  • End Date: Not needed, leave open-ended

  • Account ID: The Account ID field should be the OneView advertiser UID of the advertiser who will utilize your LiveRamp data. Advise the advertiser to follow this link to find instructions on how to find their advertiser UID.

  • Destination Account Name: Create the destination account name in the following format: “[Tile Name] - [Advertiser] - [Date of tile creation]” (for example, “Data Marketplace - Advertiser - 01312020”).