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Data Marketplace FAQs

See the FAQs below for common general questions and for common data seller questions.

General Data Marketplace FAQs

What Is the full list of destination platforms where I can send my data?

To see a full list of available destinations:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Data OutNew Destination Account. to see a full list of platforms where you can send data.

  2. Select the Data Marketplace filter to get a list of Data Marketplace destinations.


You can also click here to navigate to the view directly.

I am trying to distribute Data Marketplace data and I have configured the destination account, but I cannot see any segments available for distribution. What should I do?

Make sure that when you’re activating the destination account you choose the Data Marketplace integration group.

If a data seller is trying to share custom Data Marketplace segments (as opposed to standard segments), make sure that the data seller has been allowlisted to share segments to your account. Create a support case and let our team know that you need to have the data seller allowlisted with your client account name. The data seller will also need to confirm that the destination platform you are looking to distribute their segments to is an allowed platform for that segment.

If you are looking to distribute Data Marketplace segments to one of our Advertiser Direct platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, or TikTok) and those segments are not appearing, contact your LiveRamp CSM and ensure that your account is licensed for "Advertiser Direct (fka Consumer Social)”.

I see a segment that I don't think meets LiveRamp's Data Marketplace policies for acceptable data. What should I do?

If you ever see a segment you believe does not meet the Data Marketplace policies for acceptable data listed in "LiveRamp's Data Marketplace Data Policy", please notify the Data Marketplace operations team so they can review by sending an email that includes the full name of the segment to

FAQs for Data Marketplace Data Sellers

How can I help ensure my segments pass the business and privacy review?

Make sure to follow all of the guidelines listed in "Data Marketplace Segment Review and Approval", including the following:

  • Don't provide segments that are prohibited

  • Make segment names descriptive and self-explanatory

  • Include segment descriptions for all standard segments


    We also highly encourage descriptions for custom segments as well. While this is not required, a custom segment with an unclear name and no description is more likely to impact the segment review process.

  • Avoid problematic segment descriptions

What Is the full list of destination platforms where I can send my data?

To see a full list of available destinations:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Data OutNew Destination Account. to see a full list of platforms where you can send data.

  2. Select the Data Marketplace filter to get a list of Data Marketplace destinations.


You can also click here to navigate to the view directly.

Can I edit existing Data Marketplace segment pricing?

You can only edit certain segment pricing fields (and other segment information) in Connect for existing segments if you are making your segments available only in the LiveRamp Data Marketplace and have not distributed those segments to any destination platforms.

When you first create a segment and perform a distribution to a specific destination platform, all Data Marketplace metadata (such as Data Marketplace segment names and prices) gets sent to the destination platform. If you subsequently change the segment price or other segment metadata via the Connect UI or via updating a Data Marketplace segment metadata file, that information does not refresh at the destination platforms.

Because of this, you can only edit the Data Marketplace segment metadata pricing fields listed below in Connect if you are making your segments available only in the LiveRamp Data Marketplace and not in any other destination platforms:

  • Currency

  • Digital Ad Targeting Price (CPM)

  • Content Marketing Price (CPM)

  • TV Marketing Price (CPM)

  • Cost Per Click

  • Advertiser Direct % of Media

If you’ve distributed your Data Marketplace segments to another destination platform, you cannot edit the segment metadata pricing fields listed above for existing segments. If you attempt to edit these segment metadata fields, updated pricing information in these columns for segments that have been previously distributed will be ignored.

Under certain conditions and only for destination platforms that allow pricing updates, you can have the pricing updated by creating a support case in the LiveRamp Community portal (for more information, see the ‘Create a Support Case to Edit Pricing“ section above).

To change segment metadata for existing segments for platforms that do not allow pricing updates, upload the segments again as new segments and then provide the new metadata. After you’ve confirmed that the new segments are available in the downstream platforms, work with the platforms to disable the previous versions. See "Edit Existing Data Marketplace Segment Information" for complete instructions.

I distributed my data to a DSP through the Data Marketplace. Why am I seeing zero usage?

There are a couple of reasons why you might not have received any usage from a particular demand-side platform (DSP):

  • Platform Integration: Some platforms take longer than others to activate segments, so deliveries that went out late in one month may not have been activated until the following month.

  • Lack of demand: Some of our partner DSPs are still ramping up the demand side of their business and may be taking on standard data in preparation for campaigns that may or may not ever come to fruition.

If you are expecting usage from a particular platform (for example, if you sent a custom segment to an advertiser), contact your LiveRamp representative and let them know the platform and the segments that you were expecting usage on. Your support team will initiate a follow-up process.

What is the timing and process for getting Data Marketplace revenue every month?

If you are a Data Marketplace data seller, LiveRamp will send you a Data Marketplace Revenue and Usage Report at the end of the month after the month in which usage has occurred. For example, you will get the May usage report on June 30th.

Once you send LiveRamp an invoice based on the report, LiveRamp will make the payment according to the terms agreed to in your contract.

What is "Google Reseller" on my Google report?

"Google Reseller" is a global channel which makes your data available to all DBM accounts as well as all AdWords Display accounts that have been allowlisted to receive third-party data. Unfortunately, at this time we cannot provide advertiser specific breakdowns for usage through Google Reseller, but we will begin including this information as soon as it becomes available.

A certain column (such as "Advertiser Name") is not appearing on my report from a particular platform. Can it be provided?

Unfortunately, LiveRamp cannot provide additional information in our usage reports. There may be technical or contractual reasons why a particular column is absent from a particular platform.

LiveRamp always delivers all of the information we receive from our platform partners, and we check in regularly to attempt to augment the reporting we do receive.

How can I make more money in the Data Marketplace?

See "Maximizing Data Marketplace Revenue" in the "Playbook for Data Sellers" section of the help documentation.