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Distribute Data to Nextdoor

LiveRamp's integration with Nextdoor works differently than most other integrations:

  • For first-party data, there are different options depending on if you are distributing to Nextdoor's seat at Google Ad Manager, or to Nextdoor's self-serve ad server. For more information, see the "Distribute First-Party Data to Nextdoor" section below.

  • For Data Marketplace data:

    • For standard Data Marketplace segments, data buyers can find segments in the Nextdoor UI or distribute segments to Nextdoor's seat at Google Ad Manager. For more information, see the "Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Nextdoor" section below.

    • For custom Data Marketplace segments, the process works differently than our usual workflow. Data sellers share their segments to Nextdoor, and Nextdoor distributes the segments. For more information, see the "Distribute Custom Segments to Nextdoor" section below.

See the sections below for information on distributing first-party data or Data Marketplace data to Nextdoor.


Distributing data with Connect involves activating a destination account for the destination you’re distributing to and then adding segments to distribution for that destination account. See the articles below for instructions:

Overview of the Nextdoor Integration

LiveRamp's integration with Nextdoor follows the guidelines listed in the table below:


The information listed below was current at the time of publication and represents our best understanding of the integration based on the information available at the time, including information given to us by the destination platform. Any sections not filled out are areas we did not have information on at the time of publication. Use this as a general guide, but check with the platform to confirm any areas that are critical to your use case.






Identifiers that can be delivered

  • Cookies: Yes

  • Mobile device IDs: Yes

  • RampIDs: No

  • CTV IDs: No

  • CIDs/Platform IDs: Yes

Lookback window

Time to live

Enabled for Record Sync


Accepts raw fields


For more information, see “Platforms that Do Not Accept Raw Fields”.

Duplicate segment names allowed


Account info needed

Advertiser Name: The name of your company or platform account ID.

Requires OAuth authorization


Additional data restrictions


Requires LiveRamp action to activate destination account


Data Marketplace

Accepts Data Marketplace data


For more information, see the "Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Nextdoor" section below.

Data Marketplace pricing used

Programmatic Standard

Additional Data Marketplace limitations or guidelines


For more information, see the "Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Nextdoor" section below.

Additional Information

Can display matched reach in Connect

Limit on number of audiences per seat ID in the platform

Exposure logs available

LiveRamp "Conversions API program" available


See "The Nextdoor Conversions API Program for Offline Conversions".

Nextdoor Integration Options

When activating a Nextdoor destination account, the following integration options are available:


Data Type

Who It’s For

Integration Name

Send first-party segments to Nextdoor’s seat at Google Ad Manager (GAM)

First-party data


Nextdoor - First-Party Data (GAM)

Send first-party segments to Nextdoor’s self-serve ad server

First-party data


Nextdoor First-Party Data (Self Serve)


For data buyers and data sellers who want to use Data Marketplace segments, see the "Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Nextdoor" section below for more information.

Distribute First-Party Data to Nextdoor

To distribute first-party data to Nextdoor, activate the appropriate “Nextdoor - First-Party Data” destination account tile by following the instructions in "Activate a New Destination Account".

When distributing first-party data to Nextdoor, two integration options are available:

  • To distribute first-party data to Nextdoor's seat at Google Ad Manager, use Nextdoor's First-Party Data (GAM) integration.

  • To distribute first-party data to Nextdoor's self-serve ad server, use Nextdoor's First-Party Data (Self Serve) integration.

Once you’ve activated the destination account, follow the instructions in "Distribute Data to a Destination".

Configure the Required Properties

When activating the destination account, the following fields are required:




Advertiser Name

The name of your company or platform account ID.

Contact your account representative if unsure of which value to use here. No whitespace or special characters (e.g. Client_Name or CompanyInc).

Nextdoor Advertiser ID

Your Nextdoor Advertiser ID.

Destination Account Name

The name you want to give to this destination account.

Enter a unique and memorable name for this destination account, or accept the default suggested name. You can use any name you want as long as it is less than 150 characters in length.

Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Nextdoor

Data Marketplace data can be distributed to Nextdoor in the situations listed below:

Party Distributing

Distribution Type

Integration to Use


Data buyers

Standard segments: Yes


Data buyers can find Data Marketplace segments in the Nextdoor UI.

To distribute Data Marketplace segments to Nextdoor's seat at Google Ad Manager, use the Google Data Marketplace integration tile.

Custom segments: Yes


For more information, see the "Distributing Custom Segments to Nextdoor" section below.

Data sellers

Standard segments: Yes


Nextdoor pulls standard segments into their Nextdoor platform using the Buyer API. For more information, see the "Information for Data Sellers" section below.

Custom segments: Yes


For more information, see the "Distributing Custom Segments to Nextdoor" section below.

For data buyers distributing standard Data Marketplace segments to Nextdoor's seat at Google Ad Manager, use the appropriate Google Data Marketplace integration tile within the Google Data Marketplace destination. For more information about the Google Data Marketplace, see "Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Google".

Follow the instructions in "Activate a New Destination Account", and after you’ve activated the destination account, follow the instructions in "Distribute Data to a Destination".

Distributing Custom Segments to Nextdoor

The process of distributing custom segments to Nextdoor works differently than other distributions. In a typical distribution, the data seller shares the custom segments to the data buyer's account. With Nextdoor, the data seller shares their custom segments with Nextdoor, and Nextdoor then distributes the custom segments. The Nextdoor process works as follows:

  1. After the data buyer and data seller agree on the custom segments, the data buyer contacts their Nextdoor account representative to coordinate the distribution process.

  2. The data buyer creates a support case to have LiveRamp allowlist Nextdoor, so that the data seller can share the custom segments to Nextdoor's Connect account.

  3. The data seller shares the custom segments to Nextdoor's Connect account.

  4. Nextdoor distributes the segments to themselves, so the data buyer can access the segments within Nextdoor.

Information for Data Sellers

Nextdoor syndicates Data Marketplace segments from certain data sellers via their use of the LiveRamp Buyer API. If your segments are already being syndicated, there’s no action you need to take to enable data buyers to view and buy your Data Marketplace segments within Nextdoor.


Do not attempt to distribute Data Marketplace data yourself, as Nextdoor works differently than other distributions. You must work with Nextdoor as follows:

  • Reach out to your Nextdoor account representative to have your standard Data Marketplace segments pulled into the Nextdoor platform using the Buyer API.

  • For custom Data Marketplace segments, follow the instructions above in Distributing Custom Segments to Nextdoor.

If your segments are not being syndicated and you'd like them to be, contact your LiveRamp Customer Support Representative to request access.

For information on enabling your Data Marketplace segments to Nextdoor, review the guidelines below.

  • Pricing information: Programmatic Standard.

  • Editing segment metadata: For more information, see "Edit Existing Data Marketplace Segment Information".

  • Segment removal process: Contact your Nextdoor representative.

  • Syndication allowed: Yes.

  • Syndication pre-approval required: No.