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Build a Segment

You can use the Segment Builder to build a segment from the the following types of data assets in your account:

  • Segments (including all members of the segment)

  • Table attribute fields

  • Entire tables (including all members of the table)

You build the segment by constructing a series of filter rules, using individual filters rules and/or filter groups (groups of filter rules joined by the same "AND" or "OR" conjunction).


  • For information on the various elements of the Segment Builder and how to use them, see "Segment Builder Concepts".

  • If you plan on creating a complex segment statement, we recommend you plan out your segment in advance to make segment building easier.

  • If you have a table that contains boolean columns (columns that contain values such as "Yes"/"No" or "True"/"False" to indicate segment membership), you can also bulk create segments from those columns. For more information, see "Build Segments from Multiple Boolean Table Columns for Activation".

Once you've built a segment, that segment appears on both the All Assets page and the Segments page. You can then distribute that segment to your desired destinations (for more information, see "Activate Data to Destination Platforms").

To build a segment with the Segment Builder:

  1. From the Quick Actions drop-down list in the navigation pane, click Build Segment to open the Segment Builder.



    You can also open the Segment Builder from the Segments page by clicking Build Segment.

  2. From the "Include all of the following rules:" area, click one of the following options:

    • To create an individual filter rule, click Add Rule. The Segment Builder displays a data asset selection field with categories for table attributes and segments displayed.

    • To create a filter rule group out of multiple filter rules at the same level where all rules will be joined by the same conjunction, click Add Rule Group. The Segment Builder displays data asset selection fields for two filter rules joined with the conjunction "AND". If desired, you can change the conjunction to "OR".

  3. From the data asset dropdown, expand the list of tables or segments and select the desired data asset to use to build the segment from (table attribute example shown):


    • When you expand a table, you will see options to select the individual table columns as well as an option to select all members in the table (which appears as the first option within the table).

    • When you hover over an individual data asset, a side panel appears with information about that asset (such as date created, date modified, owner, and more).

    • When you select a table attribute, fields for the operator and value are displayed.

    • When you select the option for "All members in the table" for a table, all members of the table are included in the filter rule (no fields for operator or value are displayed).

    • When you select a segment, all segment members are included in the filter rule and the segment size in maintained RampIDs appears to the right of the segment name (no fields for operator or value are displayed).

  4. If you've selected a table attribute, complete the filter rule:


    If you selected a segment or all members of a table in the previous step, skip this step.

    1. From the operator dropdown, select the desired operator.



      The options available vary depending on the field type of the attribute you've selected. For more information, see "Available Filter Operators for the Segment Builder".

    2. In the value field, enter or select the value(s) to filter on.



      • For certain operators, such as "has a value", no value field will appear.

      • For string field types, when you select either the "is" or "is not" operator, the available attribute values appear as check boxes in the value field after a few seconds (a loader appears under the field while value loading is processing) and you can select multiple values.

      • For the field types "numeric" and "integer", the range and average values for the field are displayed below the value field in the Segment Builder to give you insights into the values that field contains (during the calculation process, you'll see a spinner and the text "Range being calculated").

  5. To see the number of RampIDs in the current version of the segment, click the "Calculate" text.



    • Any incomplete filter rules will be removed to perform the calculation.

    • Each time the filter rules are changed, you will have to click the "Calculate" text again to see the updated segment size.

  6. To include additional filter rules, perform one of the steps below and then populate the appropriate fields:


    To delete an individual filter rule, click the Delete icon (the trashcan) that appears to the right of the rule.

    • If you initially added an individual filter rule, you can create a filter rule group using that first filter rule by clicking Add Rule inside the filter rule box.

    • If you initially added a filter rule group, populate the second filter rule.

    • To create an additional filter rule or rule group at the same level as the first filter rule, click either Add Rule or Add Rule Group outside of the first filter rule box.

    • To create a filter rule group nested within the first filter rule, click Add Rule Group inside of the first filter rule box.

  7. If necessary, click the caret next to a conjunction (an "And" or an "Or") to adjust that conjunction to create the desired segment statement.


    The conjunction you set at a particular level will be the same for all of the conjunctions at that level.

  8. If desired, create additional filter rules and rule groups in either the "include" or "exclude" area.

  9. In the Segment Name field, enter a unique name for the segment.


    • Segment names can only start with a letter and only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Segment names cannot contain spaces or other special characters.

    • The maximum length of a segment name is 128 characters.

  10. If desired, enter a description in the Segment Description field.

  11. When you're finished building the segment, click Build Segment.


    If there are any incomplete filter rules (filter rules that were added but haven't been completed), a dialog will appear to confirm that you want to remove the incomplete filter rules before saving.

A success message appears. You can view the segment on both the All Assets page and the Segments page. Once the segment's status is "Ready", you can activate it at you desired destinations (for more information, "Activate Data to Destination Platforms").

If the segment consists entirely or your organization's first-party data, you can edit the segment rules once the segment has a status of "Ready" or "Creation Failed". For more information, see "Edit a Segment".