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Distribute Data to Google Ad Manager

See the sections below for information on distributing first-party data to Google Ad Manager.


Use the Google Ad Manager destination for first-party data distributions to target users on non-Google-owned properties on the supply or sell side of Google (such as DV360) with your Google Ad Manager account.

Before you activate a Google Ad Manager destination account and distribute data, the appropriate LiveRamp account ID must be mapped to your Google account. This gives LiveRamp access to deliver data to your Google account. See the instructions in "Provide Access to LiveRamp" below for more information.


Distributing data with Connect involves activating a destination account for the destination you’re distributing to and then adding segments to distribution for that destination account. See the articles below for instructions:

Overview of the Google Ad Manager Integration

LiveRamp's integration with Google Ad Manager follows the guidelines listed in the table below:


The information listed below was current at the time of publication and represents our best understanding of the integration based on the information available at the time, including information given to us by the destination platform. Any sections not filled out are areas we did not have information on at the time of publication. Use this as a general guide, but check with the platform to confirm any areas that are critical to your use case.






Identifiers that can be delivered

  • Cookies: Yes

  • Mobile device IDs: Yes

  • RampIDs: Yes

  • CTV IDs: No

  • CIDs/Platform IDs: No

To distribute CTV IDs, use the "Google Ad Manager - Premium" tile. For more information, contact your LiveRamp representative.

Lookback window


Time to live


Enabled for Record Sync


For more information, see "Keep Destination Data Fresh with Record Sync".

Accepts raw fields


Duplicate segment names allowed



Account info needed

Entityid: Google Account ID (MCC or CID)

Requires OAuth authorization


Additional data restrictions


For information on Google's data restrictions, see Google's "Data Platform Policies".

For information on LiveRamp’s standard data restrictions, see "LiveRamp Data Restrictions" and "Data Marketplace Segment Review and Approval".

Requires LiveRamp action to activate destination account


Data Marketplace

Accepts Data Marketplace data


Data Marketplace pricing used


Additional Data Marketplace limitations or guidelines


Additional Information

Can display matched reach in Connect


Limit on number of audiences per seat ID in the platform


Exposure logs available

LiveRamp "Conversions API program" available


Provide Access to LiveRamp

For all first-party data distributions to Google, LiveRamp must have access to deliver data to your Google account before you can distribute to their platform. This involves mapping the appropriate LiveRamp account ID to your Google account.

Before activating a Google Ad Manager destination account, contact your Google account representative and have them map the LiveRamp DMP account 750-013-0530 to your Google Ad Manager account.

Once your Google account representative has confirmed that the mapping process is complete, activate the appropriate destination account.


  • When providing access for regions outside of the US, EU, or Australia, you should use one of your owned accounts that has US or EU billing. If you don't own an appropriate account, contact your LiveRamp representative.

  • How long does the mapping process take? You will not be able to complete the activation process for a DV360 or Google Ad Manager destination account until this mapping has been completed. It sometimes takes a while for Google to process the mapping, so you might need to wait a day or so before successfully activating the destination account.

  • After providing access and distributing your data, if you notice your deliveries have not initiated, check that the mapping has been successfully performed before creating a support case.

Distribute First-Party Data To Google Ad Manager

To distribute first-party data to Google Ad Manager, activate the appropriate destination account tile by following the instructions in "Activate a New Destination Account".

When distributing your first-party data to Google Ad Manager, two integration options are available:

  • A Record Sync-enabled first-party data integration, which keeps your data fresh at the destination by enabling data refreshes to utilize user deletions (see "Keep Destination Data Fresh with Record Sync" for more information).


    Record Sync is currently only available to US customers.

  • A first-party integration that is not enabled for Record Sync.

Once you’ve activated the destination account, follow our instructions in "Distribute Data to a Destination".Distribute Data to a Destination

Configure the Required Properties

When activating the destination account, the following fields are required:







Google Account ID (MCC or CID).

Remove hyphens.

Destination Account Name

The name you want to give to this destination account. 

Enter a unique and memorable name for this destination account, or accept the default suggested name. You can use any name you want as long as it is less than 150 characters in length.

Troubleshooting Distributions

To troubleshoot distributions, use the following steps:

  1. Confirm that you have granted LiveRamp access to deliver data to the appropriate Google account by having Google map the LiveRamp DMP account 750-013-0530 to your Google Ad Manager account. For more information, see the "Provide Access to LiveRamp"section above.

  2. Confirm that the Google account ID listed in the destination account is correct.

  3. Once those two items have been confirmed, you can try resending the active segments (if you've had LiveRamp enable the ability for you to resend all active segments from the Connect UI) and then allow 3 days to see if that solves the problem. For more information, see "Resend Active Segments".