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Distribute Data to Yahoo

See the sections below for information on distributing first-party data and Data Marketplace data to Yahoo (formerly Verizon Media).


Distributing data with Connect involves activating a destination account for the destination you’re distributing to and then adding segments to distribution for that destination account. See the articles below for instructions:

Overview of the Yahoo Integration

See the table below for an overview of LiveRamp's integration for Yahoo.


The information listed below was current at the time of publication and represents our best understanding of the integration based on the information available at the time, including information given to us by the destination platform. Any sections not filled out are areas we did not have information on at the time of publication. Use this as a general guide, but check with the platform to confirm any areas that are critical to your use case.






Identifiers that can be delivered

  • Cookies: Yes

  • Mobile device IDs: Yes

  • RampIDs: No

  • CTV IDs: No

  • CIDs/Platform IDs: Yes

Lookback window

Time to live

Enabled for Record Sync


For more information, see "Keep Destination Data Fresh with Record Sync (Connect)".

Accepts raw fields


Duplicate segment names allowed



Account info needed

MDM ID: Your Yahoo MDM ID

Requires OAuth authorization


Additional data restrictions


For more information, see the "Yahoo Data Restrictions" section below.

Requires LiveRamp action to activate destination account


Data Marketplace

Accepts Data Marketplace data


For more information, see the "Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Yahoo" section below.

Data Marketplace pricing used

Yahoo does not use LiveRamp's Data Marketplace CPM pricing, but instead uses a percentage of the media pricing model that they assign. LiveRamp has no control over the DataMarketplace pricing from the Yahoo platform.

Additional Data Marketplace limitations or guidelines


For more information, see the "Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Yahoo" section below.

For more information, see the "Yahoo Data Restrictions" section below.

Additional Information

Can display matched reach in Connect


Limit on number of audiences per seat ID in the platform

Exposure logs available

LiveRamp Conversions API program available


Yahoo Integration Options


The standard First-Party Data integration is limited to U.S. data only. For EU and APAC regions, use the following:

  • If you're located in the EU, you will see only the "Yahoo (EU) First-Party Data" integration, which is the integration you should use for EU first-party data.

  • If you're located in APAC, you will see only the "Yahoo (APAC) First-Party Data" integration, which is the integration you should use for APAC first-party data.

When activating a Yahoo destination account, the following integration options are available:


Previously, both a first-party data integration and a first-party data with Record Sync integration were available, but starting September 2024 we added Record Sync to our standard first-party data integration and removed the Record Sync integration.

If you want to enable Record Sync for any standard Yahoo first-party data destination account created before September 2024, you must activate a new destination account.


Data Type

Who It's For

Integration Name

Distributing U.S. first-party data to Yahoo and utilizing Record Sync.

First-party data


Yahoo (U.S.) First-Party Data

Distributing EU first-party data to Yahoo

First-party data


Yahoo (EU) First-Party Data

Distributing APAC first-party data to Yahoo

First-party data


Yahoo (APAC) First-Party Data

Distributing custom Data Marketplace segments (third-party data) to Yahoo

Data Marketplace data

  • Data buyers

  • Data sellers

Yahoo (U.S.) Data Marketplace - Custom

Distributing syndicated Data Marketplace segments (third-party data) to Yahoo

Data Marketplace data

Data sellers

Yahoo (U.S.) Data Marketplace - Syndicated

Distribute First-Party Data To Yahoo

To distribute first-party data to Yahoo, activate the appropriate "Yahoo - First-Party Data" destination account tile by following the instructions in "Activate a New Destination Account".

Once you’ve activated the destination account, follow our instructions on distributing data to a destination.Distribute Data to a Destination

Configure the Required Properties

When activating the destination account, the following fields are required:





The MDM ID field should be your Yahoo MDM ID (not to be confused with advertiser ID).

If you can not find your MDM ID, reach out to your Yahoo contact. Entering the incorrect or an invalid ID will result in delayed deliveries and potential errors within Yahoo.

Destination Account Name

The name you want to give to this destination account.

Enter a unique and memorable name for this destination account, or accept the default suggested name. You can use any name you want as long as it is less than 150 characters in length.

Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Yahoo

Data Marketplace data can be distributed to Yahoo in the situations listed below:

Party Distributing

Distribution Type

Integration to Use


Data buyers

Standard segments: Yes

Yahoo (U.S.) Data Marketplace - Syndicated

Custom segments: Yes

Yahoo (U.S.) Data Marketplace - Custom

Data sellers

Standard segments: Yes

Yahoo (U.S.) Data Marketplace - Syndicated

Custom segments: Yes

Yahoo (U.S.) Data Marketplace - Custom

Use this option when you want to distribute custom segments to a data buyer's Yahoo account.


Yahoo allows certain data sellers to distribute their Data Marketplace segments to Yahoo so that data buyers can view and buy those Data Marketplace segments within Yahoo. For more information, see the "Information for Data Sellers" section below.

To distribute Data Marketplace data to Yahoo, activate the appropriate “Data Marketplace” destination account tile listed in the table above by following the instructions in "Activate a New Destination Account".

Once you’ve activated the destination account, follow our instructions on distributing data to a destination.Distribute Data to a Destination

Guidelines for Distributing Data Marketplace Data

Use the following guidelines when distributing Data Marketplace data to Yahoo:

  • Yahoo does not use LiveRamp's Data Marketplace CPM pricing, but instead uses a percentage of media pricing model that they assign. LiveRamp has no control over Data Marketplace pricing in the Yahoo platform.

  • For information about Yahoo's ad policies and restrictions, see Global Yahoo Advertising Policies. This information is also listed in the "Yahoo Data Restrictions" section below.

Configure the Required Properties

When activating the destination account, the following fields are required:





The MDM ID field should be your Yahoo MDM ID (not to be confused with advertiser ID).

If you can not find your MDM ID, reach out to your Yahoo contact. Entering the incorrect or an invalid ID will result in delayed deliveries and potential errors within Yahoo.

Destination Account Name

The name you want to give to this destination account. 

Enter a unique and memorable name for this destination account, or accept the default suggested name. You can use any name you want as long as it is less than 150 characters in length.

Information for Data Sellers

In addition to distributing your Data Marketplace segments to data buyers, Yahoo allows certain data sellers to distribute their Data Marketplace segments to Yahoo so that data buyers can view and buy those Data Marketplace segments within Yahoo. This process is usually referred to as "syndication", but is sometimes also referred to as "stocking the shelves" (for more information, see "Syndicating Data Marketplace Segments on Destination Platforms").

If your segments are not being syndicated and you'd like them to be, contact your LiveRamp CSM to request access.

Guidelines for Data Sellers

Use the following guidelines when enabling Data Marketplace data for Yahoo:

  • Segments cannot be renamed: If you rename a segment within LiveRamp, it will cause a mismatch between the name and segment ID within Yahoo which may cause deliveries to fail. If you need to rename a segment, you should instead create and distribute a new segment.

  • Segment names must only contain UTF-8 characters: Any special characters (such as a directional quotation mark) may cause deliveries to fail.

  • Segment naming conventions: We recommend working with Yahoo on your segment naming conventions. Yahoo has a hierarchical taxonomy, which means that the structure will show up as folders within Yahoo's UI.

  • Pricing Information: Yahoo does not use LiveRamp's Data Marketplace CPM pricing, but instead uses a percentage of the media pricing model that they assign. LiveRamp has no control over Data Marketplace pricing in the Yahoo platform.

  • Segment removal process: To remove segments, create a Support case that includes the segment IDs you want removed from the platform. Additionally, make sure to remove these segments from distribution via Connect (for more information see "Disabling Data Marketplace Segments").

  • Syndication allowed: Yes

  • Syndication pre-approval required: Yes

  • Syndication approval process steps and timeline: To send syndicated segments to Yahoo, submit a Support case.

  • Syndication distribution process: Once syndication has been approved, create a Support case confirming approval for syndication that includes the list of segment IDs (Data Marketplace segment IDs) that need to be distributed. LiveRamp will then distribute those segments to Yahoo.

Syndicating Data Marketplace Segments to Yahoo

Syndicating your Data Marketplace segments to Yahoo involves the following steps:

  1. Create a Yahoo Support case requesting approval to send syndicated segments.

    1. Approval requests are submitted to the U.S. Yahoo team.

    2. If the segments are in a different region, the U.S. Yahoo team will send the segments for review to the local Yahoo team.

    3. Once the appropriate Yahoo team has the segments, they perform a manual review of the request.

  2. Yahoo contacts you once the review is complete.

    1. Request response time depends on the needs of Yahoo DMP.

    2. Contact your Yahoo team for updates if there is a delay in the approval.

  3. After you receive approval from Yahoo, create a LiveRamp Support case with a list of segment IDs to syndicate. Be sure to include any additional details.

  4. LiveRamp distributes the segments to Yahoo.

Yahoo Data Restrictions

For information about Yahoo's ad policies and restrictions, see Global Yahoo Advertising Policies.