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Distribute Data to Amazon

See the sections below for information on distributing first-party data or Data Marketplace data to Amazon.


Distributing data with Connect involves activating a destination account for the destination you’re distributing to and then adding segments to distribution for that destination account. See the articles below for instructions:

Overview of the Amazon Integration

See the table below for an overview of LiveRamp's integration for Amazon:


The information listed below was current at the time of publication and represents our best understanding of the integration based on the information available at the time, including information given to us by the destination platform. Any sections not filled out are areas we did not have information on at the time of publication. Use this as a general guide, but check with the platform to confirm any areas that are critical to your use case.


For detailed information on the distribution options, see the additional sections below.






Identifiers that can be delivered

  • Cookies: Yes

  • Mobile device IDs: Yes

  • RampIDs: Yes

  • CTV IDs: No

  • CIDs/Platform IDs: No

LiveRamp matches RampIDs to Amazon cookies and MAIDs, and then delivers those cookies and MAIDs, as well as RampIDs, to Amazon. Amazon does not perform any audience expansion.

Lookback window

  • No

Time to live

Precision levels allowed

  • Individual: Yes

  • Household: Yes

  • Neighborhood: Yes

For more information, see "Precision Levels".

Allowed input data types

  • Offline (PII): Yes

  • Online: Yes

Enabled for Record Sync


For more information, see "Keep Destination Data Fresh with Record Sync".

Accepts raw fields


For more information, see “Platforms that Do Not Accept Raw Fields”.

Duplicate segment names allowed


Account info needed

Advertiser ID: Your Amazon Advertiser ID

For more information, see the sections below.

Requires OAuth authorization


Additional data restrictions

Segments that are being distributed to Amazon must not contain data that pertains to any of the types of information listed in the "Amazon Data Restrictions" section below.

For information on LiveRamp’s standard data restrictions, see “LiveRamp Data Restrictions” and “Data Marketplace Segment Review and Approval”.

Requires LiveRamp action to activate destination account


Only Amazon Data Marketplace destination accounts require LiveRamp action. First-party data destination accounts do not require LiveRamp action.

Data Marketplace

Accepts Data Marketplace data

  • Standard segments: Yes

  • Custom segments: Yes

  • Syndication: Yes

For more information, see the “Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Amazon” section below.

Data Marketplace pricing used

Programmatic Standard

Additional Data Marketplace limitations or guidelines

Additional Information

Can display matched reach in Connect


For more information, see “Destinations that Do Not Support Matched Reach Stats”.

Limit on number of audiences per seat ID in the platform

Exposure logs available

LiveRamp Conversions API program available


Amazon Integration Options

When activating an Amazon destination account, the following integration options are available:

Integration Name

Data Type

Who It's For


Distributing US first-party data to Amazon

First-party data

  • Advertisers

Amazon (US)

Distributing US first-party data to Amazon and utilizing Record Sync

First-party data

  • Advertisers

[Record Sync] Amazon (US)

Distributing US Data Marketplace standard segments (third-party data) to Amazon

Data Marketplace data

  • Data buyers

  • Data sellers

Amazon (US) Data Marketplace

Distributing Canadia first-party data to Amazon

First-party data

  • Advertisers

Amazon (Canada) First-Party Data


If you’re a data seller who has been approved to syndicate segments to Amazon, an “Amazon Syndicated Data Marketplace (US)” tile will be enabled for you to use to distribute segments. For more information, see the "Information for Data Sellers“ section below.

Distribute First-Party Data to Amazon

To distribute first-party data to Amazon, follow our instructions on activating a destination account and select the appropriate “First-Party Data” integration tile, depending on your region (US or Canada).

When activating the destination account, the following fields are required:

  • Advertiser ID: Enter your Amazon-provided ID. This ID is unique to each advertiser that will use the segments.

  • Destination Account Name: Enter a unique and memorable name for this destination account, or accept the default suggested name. You can use any name you want as long as it is less than 150 characters in length.

Once you’ve activated the destination account, follow our instructions on distributing data to a destination.

Distribute Data Marketplace Data to Amazon

Data Marketplace data can be distributed to Amazon in the situations listed below:

Party Distributing

Distribution Type

Integration to Use


Data buyers

Standard segments: Yes

Amazon (US) Data Marketplace

Uses Programmatic Standard pricing

Custom segments: No

Data sellers

Standard segments: Yes

Amazon (US) Data Marketplace

Uses Programmatic Standard pricing

Custom segments: Yes


Amazon allows certain data sellers to distribute their Data Marketplace segments to Amazon so that data buyers can view and buy those Data Marketplace segments within Amazon. For more information, see the "Information for Data Sellers" section below.

To distribute Data Marketplace data to Amazon, follow our instructions on activating a destination account and select the appropriate “Data Marketplace” destination account tile listed in the table above.

When activating the destination account, the following fields are required:

  • Advertiser ID: Enter the appropriate Amazon-provided ID. This ID is unique to each advertiser that will use the segments.

  • Destination Account Name: Enter a unique and memorable name for this destination account, or accept the default suggested name. You can use any name you want as long as it is less than 150 characters in length.


LiveRamp needs to perform a manual review and configuration to finalize the activation. In most cases, LiveRamp automatically performs this review and finalizes the activation within 24 hours after you activate the destination account. Until the activation has been finalized, any segments added to distribution will remain in a "Queued" status. If the activation hasn't been finalized within 24 hours, create a support case to ask that the activation be finalized.

Once you’ve activated the destination account, follow our instructions on distributing data to a destination.

Information for Data Sellers

In addition to distributing your Data Marketplace segments to data buyers, Amazon allows certain data sellers to distribute their Data Marketplace segments to Amazon so that data buyers can view and buy those Data Marketplace segments within Amazon. This process is usually referred to as “syndication”, but is sometimes also referred to as “stocking the shelves” (for more information, see “Syndicating Data Marketplace Segments on Destination Platforms”).

For information on distributing your Data Marketplace segments to Amazon, review the guidelines below.

  • Pricing information: Uses Programmatic Standard pricing.

  • Editing segment metadata: Only some metadata (such as description and CPM) can be updated after distribution. Segment names cannot be updated.

  • Segment name length: Segment names in Amazon must be between 10 and 127 characters in length. We recommend that segment names have less than 100 characters to avoid wrapping in UIs. For more information, see Naming Data Marketplace Segments.

  • Segment removal process: Notify your Amazon team for downstream segment removals.

  • Syndication allowed: Yes.

  • Syndication pre-approval required: Yes. Syndicating your Data Marketplace segments requires prior approval from Amazon. Contact the LiveRamp Data Marketplace team and Amazon commercial team prior to navigating the distribution steps.

  • Syndication approval process steps and timeline: Amazon syndicates a small handful of sellers from the LiveRamp Data Marketplace. They periodically approve new sellers in small batches based on negotiation with the Data Marketplace buy-side team.

  • Syndication distribution process: After approval, the data seller uses the “Amazon Syndicated Data Marketplace (US)” tile to distribute the segments.

Amazon Data Restrictions

Segments that are being distributed to Amazon must not contain data that pertains to any of the types of information listed below (in addition to LiveRamp's restrictions listed in "LiveRamp Data Restrictions" and "Data Marketplace Segment Review and Approval"):

  • Health-related conditions (including interest in or usage of drugs or pharmaceutical products)

  • Sexual orientation

  • Illegal activities or interests

  • Race or ethnicity

  • Religious affiliation or views

  • Political affiliation or political views

  • Trade union membership

  • Financial distress (e.g., bankruptcy or credit problems)

  • Individuals under 18 years of age