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Product Updates and Announcements

This section contains information on product updates and other changes that might affect LiveRamp customers.

September 4, 2024 - Workflow Execution Status Page

The new Workflow Execution Status Page lets you view the status of a workflow and the connections and status of each process in the workflow. This can help confirm successful execution of a workflow or troubleshoot problems by displaying the status of each process in the workflow.

You can do the following on the Workflow Execution Status page:

  • Select and view workflows that have run and the status of each.

  • View and adjust a workflow run schedule.

  • View the connections and status of each process in a workflow.

  • View logs of successful or failed processes in a workflow.


August 19, 2024 - Download and Upload Workflows and Processes in Identity Engine

You can now download configured workflows and processes as JSON files and upload them to re-apply the same configuration. This enhancement will save you time when creating multiple workflows and processes with the same configurations in Identity Engine.

Download and Upload Workflows

You can download existing workflows and upload them only to new (blank) workflows. When you upload a workflow, all processes and their settings will be pre-configured on the Workflow Editor page where you can optionally modify your uploaded workflow.

To download or upload a workflow, go to the Workflow Editor page and select MoreUpload or Download.

Download and Upload Processes

You can download a process only after it has been configured, which is indicated by the absence of the yellow warning icon Identity_Engine-Workflow_Warning_Icon.png . You can then upload the file to configured and non-configured processes of the same type. For example, a JSON file for a resolution process can only be uploaded to another resolution process.

Uploading a process will allow all fields and options to be predefined, which you can modify or leave as is.

To download or upload a process, go to the Workflow Editor and click the three dots icon (or the yellow warning icon Identity_Engine-Workflow_Warning_Icon.png ) on a desired process. Select Download or Upload.

August 2, 2024 - Improved Search Functionality for Assets

We have improved the way our search functionality works when searching for data assets. This improvement allows you to search for assets more efficiently and intuitively while yielding more accurate results.

Some of the enhancements include:

  • Partial match search which allows the use of incomplete terms to find assets

  • Underscores are now ignored

  • Ability to match words in any order

  • Results displayed based on relevance

  • Wildcards support by using * to replace parts of the asset’s name. For example: type ‘*male’ to see assets which names end with ‘male’.

This improvement is applied to the search functionalities on the following pages and dialogs:

June 27, 2024 - Add Multiple Accounts Simultaneously

Users with the Super User or User Manager role can now add multiple user and service accounts at the same time. You can add a maximum of 10 accounts simultaneously with the same roles. Note that you cannot add multiple accounts and grant them different roles at the same time.


To see your roles, click the user icon on the top right-hand side of any screen and select My Profile.

To add accounts, go to Administration → Accounts and click Add Accounts. Separate each email address or service account name with a comma, [Space], or [Enter]. To learn more, see "Add Accounts with Roles".

January 17, 2024

Receive and Manage Notifications

You can manage personal in-app and email notifications for certain events in your organization in the Data Collaboration Platform. This enhancement allows you to select activities of interest in your organization you want to be notified of so you can take action.

To start configuring notifications, go to Administration → Manage Notifications. To learn more, see Manage and View Notifications.


Creating Multiple Data Permissions

You can create multiple data permissions simultaneously for the same data partner. This helps you save time if you intend to share multiple data assets with the same configuration for a partner. Multiple permissions may be created for the following data assets.

  • Multiple tables

  • Multiple views

  • Multiple UDFs

  • Multiple tables and views

To create multiple data permissions, go to Data AssetsAll Assets , select the check boxes of the assets you want to create data permissions for and click Create Permission.


To learn more, see Create a Data Permission.

December 13, 2023 - Creating Views

You can create a view using a CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW statement. SQL Editor's Create button was removed.

New views are displayed under the "Views" node in SQL Editor's All Assets pane. Previously created views continue to be displayed under their table name.

Any views available to you that are hosted on another data warehouse are grouped in the All Assets pane under a name that was specified in its data warehouse.

August 16, 2023 - Navigation Pane Updates

This release provides streamlined navigation and prepares the Data Collaboration Platform for additional applications.


Key changes to the navigation include:

  • Fewer clicks because options for all applications are in one navigation pane.

  • New section categories:

    • Data Sources: Reserved for future applications.

    • Data Assets: Includes pages for all your data assets and data permissions.

    • Destinations: Includes all your data distribution pages, including Destination Connections, Data Delivery Groups, and Activated Segments.

    • Analytics Tools: Includes all SQL Editor applications, such as Saved Queries, Query History, and Data Activity.

    • Administration: Includes all administrator applications, including Accounts, Service Accounts, and Permission Reports.

The following navigation pane options were moved or renamed and some application pages were renamed:

Prior Option Location

New Location

AnalyzeQuery & MeasureSQL Editor

Analytics ToolsSQL Editor

AnalyzeQuery & MeasureSaved Queries

Analytics ToolsSaved Queries

AnalyzeQuery & MeasureQuery History

Analytics ToolsQuery History

AnalyzeUsageData Activity

Analytics ToolsData Activity

AnalyzeUsageActivity Reports

AdministrationPermission Reports

The Download Activity Reports page will soon be renamed to Permission Reports because reviewing data activity is considered an admin user task.

ManageData CatalogBuild Segment

Build Segment

This button also includes the following additional actions:

  • Add Destination Connection

  • Create Data Delivery Group

ManageData CatalogAll Assets

Data AssetsAll Assets

ManageData CatalogSegments

Data AssetsSegments


Data AssetsData Permissions

The Permissions page was renamed "Data Permissions".

ActivateIntegration ConnectionsIntegration Connections

DestinationsDestination Connections

The Integration Connections page was renamed "Destination Connections".

ActivateIntegration ConnectionsNew Integration Connection

Build SegmentAdd Destination Connection

This button was combined with the persistent Build Segment button.

ActivateActivationsActivation Bundles

DestinationsData Delivery Groups

The Activation Bundles page was renamed "Data Delivery Groups".

ActivateActivationsActive Segments

DestinationsActivated Segments

The Active Segments page was renamed "Activated Segments".

ActivateActivationsNew Activation Bundles

Build SegmentCreate Data Delivery Group

This button was combined with the persistent Build Segment button.

August 1, 2023

SQL Editor supports the approx_percentile and percentile_approx SQL functions. For information, see "SQL Functions".

July 12, 2023 - Data Activity

If you specify query statement visibility rules when you create a permission for a table or a view, your partners' queries (if any) will be displayed on the Data Activity page when you click the corresponding entrird. For information, see "The Data Activity Page".

July 6, 2023 - Improvements to Search for Documentation Sites

We've released a new search for our help documentation sites so that you can find the help articles you need more quickly and easily. New features include:

  • Faster search: Search results begin to appear as soon as you’ve entered 3 characters, resulting in a faster search and giving you the ability to quickly adjust your search if it isn’t returning your desired results

  • Better search performance: Your desired result should appear closer to the top of the results most of the time

  • Better results display: The highlighting of the search string in the results has been improved

  • Better data: We can access improved analytics so we can continue to improve your search experience

The new search displays results as you type (once you've entered at least three characters) in a dropdown.


You can either click on the result you want or hit “enter” to be taken to a dedicated search page showing your search results.



To modify the search string on the dedicated search page, type in the search bar and then hit “enter” again.

We hope this improved search helps you get the information you need more quickly and easily!


This release will also enable us to add more features in the future to continue to improve your ability to search our help articles.

If you have any search feedback, email or click one of the "Was this helpful?" links at the bottom of any article.

June 21, 2023 - Data Activity Report

The Data Activity report download includes changes to the following columns:

  • Referenced Columns: This new column contains information about the columns that users queried. This information was previously included in the "SQL" column

  • SQL: This column now includes users' SQL queries.

If you lack the data visibility permissions for the data assets, the corresponding cells are left blank in the report.

June 14, 2023

Data Activity

If you have permission to view query results and they have been performed within the last two weeks, you can access them on the Activity Detail side panel on the Data Activity page. Otherwise, the View Query Results button is disabled.


Download Query Results and UDF Dashboard as CSV

From SQL Editor's Results section, you can select the Export as CSV option.


May 10, 2023

We've upgraded our user interface design to better support other LiveRamp data collaboration capabilities, allowing for additional features and integrations in the future.

SQL Editor supports the where clause for cross joins. For example:

FROM pub1
CROSS JOIN pub1_small
WHERE pub1.campaign_id != pub1_small.campaign_id

May 5, 2023 - UDF Query Visibility

The Create Permission dialog includes options for setting query visibility for a user-defined function:

  • Query Visibility: If you select this option, your partner's SQL queries will be displayed on the Data Activity page. Your partner will be notified that you can view their queries when they select this UDF in SQL Editor.

  • UDF Visibility: If you select this option, your partner can view the underlying SQL statement that you used to create this user-defined function. They can see it on the UDF's side panel on their All Assets page.

For information, see "Create a Data Permission".

April 26, 2023

To be more inclusive of other solutions beyond data collaboration, this application is now called "LiveRamp" instead of "Data Hub".

April 24, 2023 - SQL Editor Enhancements

SQL Editor supports the following set operators:

  SELECT rampid FROM table1
  SELECT rampid FROM table2
  SELECT rampid FROM table3

SQL Editor supports window functions without partitioning. For example:


SQL Editor supports transcoded joins for more than two tables, which can be useful when working with RampIDs. For example:

FROM table1 t1
  INNER JOIN table2 t1 ON (t1.rampid = t2.rampid)
  INNER JOIN table3 t3 ON (t1.rampid = t3.rampid)

March 15, 2023 - Asset Tag Management

You can add your own custom tags to your data assets to categorize them. This can help you to search, filter, and sort your assets.


For information, see "Manage Asset Tags".

March 14, 2023

SQL Editor supports a parameter "hint" syntax that provides UDF users with suggested parameter values when viewing a UDF dashboard. For example:

-- @hint {"input_campaign_id": {"one_of": [12345, 56789, 15325]},
--        "campaign_start_date": {"range": ['2022-01-01', '2022-05-01'] },
--        "campaign_end_date": {"range": ['2022-02-01', '2022-06-01'] },
--        "conversion_windows_days": {"range": [1, 14] },
--        "device_types": {"any_of": ["mobile", "web", "tv"] }
--        }
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION attributed_conversions_by_campaign(
  input_campaign_id string,
  campaign_start_date date,
  campaign_end_date date,
  conversion_windows_days integer,
  device_types array<string>
) as select CONCAT(input_campaign_id, campaign_start_date, campaign_end_date, conversion_windows_days, ARRAY_JOIN(device_types, '')) as res

For information, see "Including Suggested Parameter Values in UDFs".

March 10, 2023 - New URL for the Data Collaboration Platform Documentation

LiveRamp's Data Collaboration Platform documentation has moved from Safe Haven help to the following URL:

This allows you to browse and search only for Data Collaboration Platform topics. For information about using this documentation, see "Tips for Using This Documentation Site".

December 9, 2022 - SQL Function Support

  • User-defined function support array functions

  • SQL Editor support for array functions

  • SQL Editor support for aggregate functions

  • SQL Editor support for window functions

  • SQL Editor support for the tablesample clause

For information, see "SQL Functions".

December 2, 2022 - Table Parameters and Chart Options

  • SQL Editor supports table parameters for user-defined functions.

  • SQL Editor supports entering chart options to adjust line chart and bar chart values.

November 11, 2022 - Permissions Enhancement

You can select the column to use for query threshold aggregation in the Collaboration Rules step of the Create Permission dialog (household ID, RampID, or select another column). For information, see "Create a Data Permission".

September 26, 2022 - SQL Editor Enhancements

  • Improved syntax error highlighting

  • Queries that result in system errors are included on the Query History page.

  • Result quotas are configurable.

September 14, 2022 - Programmatic API for Query Automation

A programmatic API supports query automation. For information, contact your LiveRamp representative.

April 19, 2022 - SQL Editor Enhancements

  • You are prompted to save a previously saved query if you edit it and attempt to close the tab without saving your changes.

  • A query indicator informs you which query is being run.

  • The All Assets pane supports filtering.

  • The All Assets pane provides tooltips with information about sensitive columns.

  • Comments are supported in the Run section of SQL Editor.

March 11, 2022 - Autocomplete and Asset Side Panel

SQL Editor Autocomplete

SQL Editor supports autocomplete when typing supported SQL functions.

For a list of supported SQL functions, see "SQL Functions".

Side Panel for Assets

You can view details about an asset by clicking its row on the All Assets page to display its side panel.

For all asset types, the side panel includes the Detail tab. Other asset types may also include the Collaboration Rules and SQL tabs.

For information, see "The All Assets Page".